Raipur: School Education Department has issued new instructions for quarterly examination

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Question papers will be prepared at school level: Questions will be written on the black board 

    Raipur, 25 September 2022

New instructions have been issued for the quarterly examination to be conducted by the School Education Department. According to the instructions issued, the question paper for the quarterly examination will be solved by writing it on the black board with chalk in the examination hall. These question papers will be prepared by the head of the institution, principal at the school level.
It is worth noting that in the past few news channels and newspapers have published the news of the centralized question paper being created for the quarterly examination. Therefore, as a vigilance, keeping the transparency and credibility of the evaluation work of the students, SCERT for classes 1 to 8, for the students of class 9 to 12, the examination to be taken through question paper prepared and issued by the Board of Secondary Education. New instructions have been issued superseding the instructions issued regarding evaluation work with immediate effect. According to which the question papers issued before the state level and received at the school level will not be used under any circumstances. 
In this regard, all the Divisional Joint Directors and District Education Officers have been directed by the School Education Department that the nature and number of question papers should be such that they can be easily written in 10 to 15 minutes. Candidates should be asked to write the answers of the questions in their subject copy only. The evaluation work should be completed after checking the copies of the examinees at the school level. After evaluation, the Q&A copy should be returned to the students compulsorily, so that they and the parents themselves can do the necessary assessment at their own level, so that they can make additional preparation in future. The time-table of the examination should be fixed at the school level itself and this quarterly examination should be compulsorily completed by October 10. After conducting the examination, a copy of the question paper must be sent to the District Education Officer, so that the quality assessment-test can be done from their level as well and they can do the next evaluation, 
    An important decision was taken by the School Education Department to conduct monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly i.e. continuous evaluation work from class 1 to 12 with the intention of encouraging the efficiency and learning speed of the students in a phased manner after the Corona period. It is noteworthy that the basic aim and objective of the quarterly and half-yearly examination by continuous evaluation has been neither to pass or fail the student nor the marks of the quarterly or half-yearly examination are not to be added to the annual examination – but the annual examination conducted at the end of the academic session. They have to be kept alert and active towards the necessary continuous preparation for the examination.