Raipur : ‘Sau Din Hundred Stories’ : Data will be collected by studying the reading speed of children and understanding and answering the questions

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    Raipur, 22 September 2021.  In order to improve the reading skills of children, under the program ‘Sau Din Sau Kahaniyan’, data will be collected by studying the story reading speed of middle school children and understanding and answering questions. Through the District Mission Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha, this information will be sent to the State Project Office Samagra Shiksha in Google Form. This information will be collected from at least 20 students from each school. Then after three months the same information will be collected from them through the new Google Form. The effect of the program will be studied by comparing both the information. 
    Under this program, dates have been fixed for organizing competitions from cluster to district level. Instructions have been given to the district mission coordinators to include all the students in this competition. According to the dates fixed for the competition, the competition will be organized at the cluster level on December 20 in middle schools. In which the children selected from the school level will participate in the competition at the cluster level and prizes will be given to the winners of the competition. The competition will be held on December 27 at the block level. In this, the children selected from the cluster level will be included in the competition at the block level and the winners will get prizes. Similarly, in the competition organized on December 31 at the district level, children selected from the block level will participate and the winners will get prizes.  
    It is noteworthy that this year all the middle schools of the state have been provided bilingual story books under Muskaan Library. Short stories in these books have been made available in Hindi and in English language. Children will first try to understand by reading the story in English and if they do not understand properly, they will try to understand it by translating it into Hindi. Again they will try to understand that story in English. After understanding these stories properly they will tell stories to their younger child. After reading these stories to the children, they can answer each story by asking 05 questions based on the speed of reading and how many words per minute and the number of stories they can answer correctly. 
    The Managing Director, Samagra Shiksha has directed all the District Mission Coordinators to ensure that they are read regularly by all the children by providing a set of books of hundred days, hundred stories in all middle schools. For the successful operation of the program in the district and block, identify the nodal officers and assign responsibilities to them. How many words are there in each story in English? To check the understanding of each story after calculating them, prepare 5 questions and make them available in all schools. For the implementation of this program at the state level, a group has been formed in Telegraph. In this group, all the teachers teaching English at the middle school level should be compulsorily added. Efforts should be made to see a wide difference and improvement in the reading speed and comprehension level of each child from the first book to the hundredth book. If the teacher wants this process, while practicing Hindi reading by the students of the school, check the speed and level of comprehension and see the change happening and monitor the changes taking place continuously.