Raipur, 08 October 2023
As per the wish of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, an amount of Rs. 68.12 lakh has been approved under the Chief Minister Majratola Electrification Scheme for the year 2023-24 to provide electricity facility in remote areas of Surguja district, the technical approval of which has been received.
Under Chief Minister Majratola Electrification, Majratola Kharatiya, Rapapara, Gangjhor and Bakarlota of village Nandamali under Sitapur assembly constituency of Surguja district will be electrified. For electrification of Majratola in these villages, 9.40 km. Vh of 11 Line, 5.25 Km. Work of installation of low pressure line, 04 nos. distribution transformer will be done. Besides, electricity connections will be provided to 54 unelectrified residential houses of Para-Tolas.