Raipur: Recommendation of suspension of Central Administration of Sakhi Center

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Raipur, 26 January 2021. Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak, President of Chhattisgarh State Commission for Women, heard matters related to women in the Commission’s office at Shastri Chowk, Raipur today. In the case presented during the hearing, Aplika complained that her husband had got married to the Central Administration of Sakhi Center Kondagaon without getting divorced. Anavedika, while posted as the Sakhi Center’s administrative post, deliberately fraudulently lost the document in place of taking action in the case of the applicant. The Central Administration admitted before the Commission that it had married Anavedka for a second. In such a situation, the complaint of the applicant was found correct, the Commission has recommended to the Secretary of Women and Child Development to take action against the Central Administration.

In two other cases, the two parties agreed to give the amount of divorce and final maintenance by mutual consent and duly agreed to submit the divorce application to the court. In a case of expulsion of the applicant from the society before the Commission, the Anavendakas denied the charge of expelling the applicant from the village and society, saying that no meeting had been held in this regard. On this, the non-believers were advised not to put any restriction in the matrimonial program of the daughter of the applicant and not to misbehave in any way. The case was resolved by convincing the applicant to be the most cohesive.

In one case, Aapika has complained against the 181 incharge. The in-charge said that the 181 is managed by the trust. On this, Anavedika was asked to present the senior official of the trust in the upcoming hearing or to name the employee to the commission so that the action could be taken in a proper manner. It was also explained to Anavedika not to take action against the applicant till the resolution of this case. The applicant was also asked to ensure compliance with departmental orders and to send a copy to the Trust by sending a copy to the Commission in case of any grievance.