Raipur: Ram Vanagman Tourism Circuit: ‘Logo’ Design Contest, participants can match design till 25 October

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The winning participant will get a prize and certificate of Rs. 10 thousand

    Raipur, 21 October 2020. A logo design competition has been organized by the state government’s tourism department for the Ram Vangaman tourism circuit. On the selection of excellent ‘logo’ in the competition, the winning participant will be awarded a prize and certificate of Rs 10,000. The participants can send their designed logo to the tourism department’s email ID TAHACH / APPEJBHPAD by 25 October 2020. All information related to the competition can be found in the website of Chhattisgarh Tourism Board, Prunbeeinjajpehantijawanatpe.
    Ram Vanagman Tourism Circuit Project is a major scheme of the state government. The life of Lord Rama is associated with the public, so the logo design has been invited from the public for this project.