Raipur: Public awareness programs related to road safety should be organized: Chief Secretary Shri Jain

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Instructions for meeting of District Road Safety Committee every month

Raipur, 17 February 2024

Instructions for meeting of District Road Safety Committee every month

An important meeting of all Divisional Commissioners and Collectors was taken today by Chief Secretary Shri Amitabh Jain from CHIPS office Raipur through video conferencing. In the meeting, after reviewing the updated status of important schemes of the government from the districts, the Chief Secretary gave necessary guidelines regarding the future action.

In this sequence, Chief Secretary Shri Jain instructed the districts to compulsorily organize the meeting of the District Road Safety Committee every month. He also directed to organize public awareness programs regarding road safety every month in the districts. In these, instructions were given to organize programs among the community by ensuring their participation on various topics related to easy transportation like good driving habits, mandatory use of helmets, seat belts, drunk and drive etc. During the review, Chief Secretary Shri Jain assessed the need for additional jails in the state and also reviewed the need for land acquisition for expanding the capacity of existing jails and setting up new jails.

In the said virtual meeting, Secretary General Shri S. Prakash, Mrs. Shammi Abidi, Mr. N.N. Ekka, Additional Director General of Police, Traffic Mr. Pradeep Gupta and Chairman Inter-Departmental Lead Agency (Road Safety) Mr. Sanjay Sharma, besides all the Divisional Commissioners, all the District Collectors and departmental officers were present.