Raipur: Protection of civil rights provided by the Constitution is our responsibility: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel

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Our constitution is the biggest protector of farmers, villagers and general public.

We will face every challenge to provide justice to weaker sections

Farmers-workers-forest dependents- government treasury opened for local arts

Blessed to the scientists who discovered the corona vaccine: sought cooperation from the people of the country to make the vaccination campaign successful

Chief Minister addresses people of state after flag hoisting in Jagdalpur on Republic Day

Discussion of ‘Chhattisgarh Model’ across the country

Ram Vanagman tourism circuit will create new means of local development and livelihood

Nutrition security to 97 percent population of the state: 99 thousand children become malnutrition free

Electricity reached every year in 2 thousand habitats in two years.

Most Paddy Procurement Record Telecom tower and air services usher in a new era in Bastar

Chhattisgarh government ready to buy Nagarnar steel plant. Electricity reached 73 years after independence in Jhiram village

Raipur, 26 January 2021. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel while addressing the people after flag hoisting at Lalbaug Maidan, Jagdalpur headquarters of Bastar division on the occasion of Republic Day, said that it is our responsibility to safeguard the rights of the country and the Constitution-provided civil rights. If any crisis arises on any section of society, then our government will stand with them like a rock.
Our constitution is the biggest protector of farmers, villagers and general public, but if any new law comes in the way of this system then it is the responsibility of the state government to deal with such a challenge, which we fulfilled through Chhattisgarh Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Bill . I want to say once again today that we will always be ready to diagnose the obstacles that come in the way of the protection that the Constitution has given you, even if there is a struggle for it at any level.
Our government has taken major steps in the last two years, especially in the interests and interests of the needy. Given the abundance of families living below the poverty line, he took up the challenge of bringing them at par with the national average. We are ready to face every challenge to fulfill the promise of providing justice to the economically weaker sections along with farmers, villagers, landless people.
Chief Minister remembered the immortal martyrs, the framers of the Constitution and the leaders of the country
Chief Minister, on the auspicious occasion of the great national festival Republic Day, warmly greeted the people of the country and said that first of all, I salute Amar Shaheed Gandsingh, the hero of the Parlakot rebellion, who, before the first comprehensive revolution of 1857, independence in Chhattisgarh. Had raised awareness His flame was carried forward by revolutionaries like Veer Gundadhur and Shaheed Veeranarayan Singh and then the whole Chhattisgarh became associated with the national movement. I salute the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, all the heroes of that era and the unsung soldiers of Bharatmata, who made it to the decisive battle with many immortal martyrs who turned the freedom fight into a passion. Our great constitution gave an opportunity to make Azad country its destiny, which was made by Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President of the Constituent Assembly and Dr. Sahab, Chairman of the Drafting Committee. Bhimrao was Ambedkar. Along with him, thinkers and legalists from different regions of the country had played a historical role as members of the Constituent Assembly and various committees, including our legalists from Chhattisgarh, today I salute them all. The biggest thing about our constitution is that it has been created and surrendered by the people of India.
Chhattisgarh is on the path of harmony and harmony

The Chief Minister said that today it is an opportunity for us to share the concerns of our Constitution makers, to discuss among themselves. To run the country on the basis of the constitution, respect the sentiments of the constitution makers and uphold the glorious traditions of our parliamentary democracy, it is also a great need at this time to take a firm resolve in this direction. I am very happy to say that our Chhattisgarh stood on the path of harmony and harmony in line with the hopes of our great freedom fighters and constitution makers, for which you all deserve congratulations. Brothers and sisters, our first priority is the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes, majority of the regional and rural people, who need special attention to bring them closer to the developed places and people. When we meditate on the provisions of the Constitution, we talk of equality of opportunities, we talk of justice,
The state government took major steps in the rights and interests of BPL families
Baghel said that our government has taken major steps in the last two years, especially in the interests and interests of these sections. Considering the abundance of families living below the poverty line and accepting the challenge of bringing them at par with the national average, we started the Poona Madakala Dantewada program, which will also form the basis of innovation for faster development in other such districts. Due to this campaign, malnutrition rate in Dantewada district decreased by 26 percent in 10 months. 500 acres of land were identified for small scale industries. New employment opportunities were created. 4 factories have been started by adding locals Which will launch the new brand of readymade apparel DANEX (Dantewada Next) at the national level. In Lohandiguda, the tribals returned to the land and after 13 years in Jagargunda there was a return to schools. If the campaign of self-respect of the Mehrar Cho Man daughters was made, then Amcho Bastar was the new symbol of self-reliance. Chief Minister’s Haat-Bazar Clinic schemes, malnutrition and malaria eradication also started from Bastar, which later became a vision and inspiration for the entire state.
Telecommunication towers and air services usher in a new era in Bastar:
Electricity reached 73 years after independence in Jhiram village
The Chief Minister said that Bijapur topped the countrywide nationwide delta ranking of aspiring districts. Kondagaon, Narayanpur and Sukma districts also built their own flag among other criteria of aspirational districts. We have more happiness in Bastarwasi than in Jeeram village after 73 years of independence. 400 kV in Bastar. Ranging from 132 kV. Such a very high pressure network was made, so that dual-triple power supply can be provided in Bastar. Similarly, solar energy created records to illuminate homes, hospitals, schools, ashrams, so that the power of electricity also became the power of tribal society. A new era of easy connectivity was also started by connecting Bastar with telecom towers and air services. In the name of forest produce for decades, tendu leaf collection was limited as a means of livelihood, we increased the collection remuneration from 2 thousand 500 rupees to 4 thousand per standard bag, Through the Shaheed Mahendra Karma Tendupatta Collectors Social Security Scheme, the families involved in this work provided safety and security protection. Along with this, started the purchase of 52 minor forest produce from 7 on support price and stressed on the establishment of processing centers in Vananchal.


Decision to purchase paddy on support price from forest rights lessees also, the
Chief Minister said that due to the cancellation of forest rights claims, there was a lot of disappointment among the Scheduled Tribes and the traditional forest dwellers, we duly empowered the land largely occupied by the re-review of the canceled claims. He gave hope in a big way. The new measures for giving Community Forest Charter and Community Forest Resource Letter were a big success. Now we have also decided to purchase paddy from forest rights lessees at support price. I believe that this initiative will have far-reaching impact in respect and self-respect of tribal society. I would like the tenant farmers to take full advantage of this initiative.
Ram Vanagman tourism circuit will
create new means of local development and livelihood

The Chief Minister said that the context related to Lord Rama’s exile is a matter of public faith. In the public mind of Chhattisgarh, the memory of Vanvasi Rama has been settled, but in the past, due to lack of appropriate measures for the development of the related episodes and the famous sites, the glow of these sites was blurred. The Ram Vangaman tourism circuit that our government has taken to develop, will also create new means of local development and livelihood.
Will be an important Yogoda of Bodgat project in the development of water resources not
The Chief Minister said that the Bodhghat project will contribute to the strategy of development of water resources in the next 5 years by our government. This project will not only give life to Indravati, the lifeline of Bastar, but will also create a new record in determining compensation and rehabilitation package. In this the consent and participation of the residents of the affected area will play a decisive role.

Honor to local leadership increased from development authorities The
Chief Minister said that to honor and empower local leadership in tribal areas, we have also appointed chairman and vice-presidents in Bastar, Surguja and Central Region Development Authorities with local representatives and Has given wide powers to take decisions. We have also set up 24 new tehsils of Gorela-Pendra-Marwahi district to take the services of the government to the public. Thus, in order to end the regional imbalance and all round development of the state, the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes as well as the areas which were hitherto neglected.
Every challenge will be faced by the weaker sections to get justice:
Record made for most paddy purchases

The Chief Minister said that we are ready to face every challenge to fulfill the promise of providing justice to farmers, villagers, landless and economically weaker sections. For our farmer brothers, sisters and their families, buying paddy at a support price is a great hope. The number of registered and paddy farmers has steadily increased in two years as an example of how many more families can be benefited by doing this work in a big way and systematically. About 15 lakh farmers had already been registered before we took over, Whereas 21 lakh 52 thousand 485 farmers have been registered this year. At the same time, the registered area has also increased from 24 lakh 46 thousand to about 28 lakh hectare. Like the last 2 years, this time also we have created a new record for most paddy purchases. As part of a new initiative, more than 7 thousand paddy storage platforms have been constructed in villages to prevent the huge amount of paddy stored in the open from spoilage. We had started the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana’ to provide financial help to farmers taking 14 types of crops including paddy and promised Rs 5 thousand 700 crores to the farmers, in three installments, 80 percent of which has been paid is. 100% payment will also be made in this financial year. This scheme will also achieve the goal of crop diversification and economic empowerment of farmers. 80% of which has been paid in three installments. 100% payment will also be made in this financial year. This scheme will also achieve the goal of crop diversification and economic empowerment of farmers. 80% of which has been paid in three installments. 100% payment will also be made in this financial year. This scheme will also achieve the goal of crop diversification and economic empowerment of farmers.
Suraji village scheme opens new doors of innovation and employment in villages
The Chief Minister said that about Rs 72 crore has been paid to the dung vendors at the government rate in 5 months through the Godhan Nyaya Yojana. A large number of landless, women and weaker sections have benefited from this scheme. The development of Narva, Garwa, Ghurwa, Bari under Suraji Gram Yojana has opened new doors of innovation and employment in villages. This is not only increasing the productivity of the land, development of water resources, production of fruits and vegetables, finding means to fight malnutrition in villages, large scale employment generation but also with vermi compost and cow dung Various artistic items are being produced, which will further ensure Chhattisgarh’s large share in the large market for organic products. I am happy to say that a large number of women and young partners are associated with our schemes. From education to culture, from skills to employment, From testing talent to expansion, an atmosphere of new faith has been created. Extending the scope of free education to class 12th, Swami Atmanand English Medium School Scheme, Chhattisgarh Sports Development Authority, Chhattisgarh Culture Council, National Level Sports Academy, Free Sports Training Center, two new universities, dozens of new colleges, Chief Minister Skill Upgradation Scheme, new Measures such as the guide line have given new dreams to the eyes of the youth. At the same time, participation at the national level, New colors of success in dreams are also being filled with jobs and employment opportunities. In the construction work done at the block level by various departments, ‘E-Class Integrated Registration’ has been arranged for allotting work to the youth unemployed at a time of Rs 20 lakhs and up to a maximum of Rs 50 lakhs in a year. Under the scheme, participation of graduates from general areas and higher secondary pass in scheduled areas has also been ensured. Apart from this, a separate tender process has been arranged for unemployed degree holders and diploma holders engineers and masons in another scheme. Similarly, the Innovative Incentive Scheme has been launched to link innovations of youth and institutions in various fields with recognition, market and entrepreneurship development opportunities. Under this, grants for innovation, prototype development,
Electricity reached every year in 2 thousand habitats in two years
The Chief Minister said that our new generation is coming forward with renewed vigor and new readiness to assume responsibility of building Nava Chhattisgarh. We accelerated the development of infrastructure with new thinking so that its benefits can be met in the area of ​​real needs as soon as possible. For example, in the last 18 years, on an average, electricity was supplied to one thousand 300 majra-tolas every year, whereas in two years, on an average we got electricity from the grid every year in 2 thousand settlements. Apart from this, the houses were illuminated with solar energy where it is not available. Similarly, in two years, work of energizing, sub-stations, line expansion etc. of 63 thousand irrigation pumps was also done at a relatively fast pace. PLF of our thermal power stations this year due to efficient management. The highest level in the country has also crossed 70 percent. In this way, on the one hand, major achievements of power development have come to the state’s account, then its benefits have also been given to the general public. So far, relief of Rs. 1 thousand 336 crore has been given to more than 38 lakh consumers under the ‘Half Electricity Bill Scheme’.
The Chief Minister said that we have also done water resources development with practical thinking, due to which farmers are getting the most benefit of actual irrigation. To double the irrigation potential in 5 years, while the old schemes are being completed at the earliest, on the other hand 15 new major irrigation projects are being taken forward. A new water resources policy is being prepared to give high priority to water resources development in the state and to take meaningful initiatives on overall aspects. We are constructing such a road by making a clear strategy, wherein instead of artificial decoration, quality, utility and access to more and more people should be the priority. In this way, through Jawahar Setu Yojana, ‘Mukhyamantri Sugam Sadak Yojana’, Mukhyamantri Gram Sadak Yojana and Vikas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Sadak Yojana, hundreds of bridges and more than 4 thousand kilometers of roads are being built.
Record of highest employment in the country made under MNREGA: Chhattisgarh topped in implementation of schemes at the national level, the
Chief Minister said that not only the record of providing maximum employment in the country has been created under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, but its convergence has led to many Innovations are being made, including construction of Anganwadi centers. Construction of about 5 thousand Gothanas has been completed and about 43 thousand vermicompost tanks have been made in Gothanas. About 3 thousand pastures have been developed. Chhattisgarh topped the national level in the implementation of several national schemes like Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Swachh Bharat Mission, establishment of biogas plants, development of ODF plus panchayats.
Strategy to take healthcare to home
Baghel said that in Chhattisgarh, we also saw the development of health facilities in the form of infrastructure in which access has a greater role. In this way, we adopted the strategy of working longer hours in existing health centers, raising more facilities and providing necessary facilities for more patients. Our preparation made it possible to provide relief and treatment to people during the Corona crisis. Keeping in mind the special needs of Corona, it became possible to upgrade hospitals and expand services promptly. In the socio-economic conditions of the state, there was also a big problem of patients not getting to the hospital on time, for which we adopted a strategy to reach the communities and people’s homes. In this way, the expansion of Mukhyamantri Haat-Bazar Clinic Scheme, Urban Slum Health Scheme, Dai-Didi Mobile Clinic Scheme,


Patients get new life from Dr. Khubchand Baghel Health Scheme and Chief Minister Special Health Scheme

The Chief Minister said that taking out public funds and patients from the schemes of insurance schemes, we started Dr. Khubchand Baghel Health Scheme and Mukhyamantri Special Health Scheme, in this way free treatment from common diseases to rare diseases was arranged and many Patients got new life with free treatment facility up to 20 lakh rupees. Our initiative has also been appreciated at the national level. The result of the strategic success of the malaria-free Bastar campaign is 65 percent malaria control in a year. Now in the same way, Sarguja and the entire Chhattisgarh will also be made malaria free by intensive campaign.
Nutrition security to 97 percent population of the state: 99 thousand children become malnutrition free
The Chief Minister said that there is a deep connection of health with nutrition. We have provided nutritional security to 97 percent population of the state by implementing universal PDS scheme. Under the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Scheme, 99 thousand children are malnutrition free and 20 thousand women are anemia free is a major achievement. Community participation and the use of funds such as DMF have played a major role in this. The new guide line that we have released for the use of DMF, which has helped in education, nutrition, employment and rehabilitation, is also a symbol of our thinking and right direction.
Discussion of ‘Chhattisgarh model’
opened for the farmers, workers-forest dependents-local arts across the country
The Chief Minister said that there is a lot of discussion about ‘Chhattisgarh Model’ outside the state. It is well known that we got a huge mandate but our government had inherited an empty treasure. People were waiting for justice, so far-reaching developmental steps had to be taken with immediate relief. We have countered this situation by Gandhi-Nehru-Shastri-Patel-Azad-Dr. From the ideological heritage of mystics like Ambedkar. Simplicity, simplicity, public trust and respect for the resources of the state and made the value addition the core. Farmers-workmen-forest dependents-opened up government treasury for local arts. Opened a box of relief for people with weak financial condition. In this way, from the village to the city, the wheel of economic activities stopped. When the money arrived in the villages and homes, the brightness of the markets returned and other regions also saw its brightness. In this era, like our mothers and sisters, with patience, courage and creativity in Gothan, In self-help groups, Bihan groups contributed by making dung artifacts, masks, sanitizers and other items, it is less to be praised. Even during the Corona epidemic and lockdown, the wheel of production and development continued in Chhattisgarh.
Blessed to the scientists who discovered the corona vaccine: sought cooperation from the people of the country to make the vaccination campaign a success
The Chief Minister said that all of you not only handled yourself during the Corona crisis, handled the people who came in contact with you but also took care of the state. Millions of migrant laborers returned home safely and successfully. He got an opportunity to start his new life in Aanchal in Chhattisgarh Mahtari. While bowing to the great scientists who discovered the corona vaccine, I request all the people to cooperate in making the vaccination campaign a success. The success of Chhattisgarh model of development assures that the coming tomorrow will not be challenges but opportunities that will write new expressions of your prosperity. I think that there can be no better opportunity than Republic Day to give you a piety. I promise that our various steps taken for the welfare of the workers and laborers of Chhattisgarh will lead to new steps of betterment.
43 thousand crore investment in new industries: 64 thousand people will get employment
Chief Minister said that our policy initiatives and good behavior of all of you has created a positive environment of investment in the state, due to which the establishment of new industries in the last two years An investment of Rs 43 thousand crore has been made and employment has been made for 64 thousand people. Our state has emerged as the most preferred state of investors in the country. We have made attractive provisions for investment in many innovative areas. Sarodha-Dadar, Satarenga, Ram Vanagman Circuit, Sirpur Buddhist Tourist Circuit etc. are coming out as an attempt to shape our thinking, which will also give a new identity to Chhattisgarh.
Initiative to provide justice to victims of chit fund companies
The Chief Minister said that in the past, we have also taken the initiative to bring justice to the victims of the injustice done to invest public’s blood and sweat in chit fund companies, under which cases were registered against 163 chit fund companies And 647 office bearers of such companies were arrested. Taking the complicated action of confiscation and attachment of the property of the defaulting companies, investors in half a dozen districts have also been successful in returning a partial amount of Rs 10 crore.
Reducing Naxalite incidents due to the strategy of trust, security and development,
many welfare measures have been taken for them by respecting the important role of the security forces in giving confidence of security to the minds of the people. Our confidence, security and development strategy has resulted in reduction of Naxalite incidents and other criminal incidents.
Chhattisgarh government-ready
PSUs to buy Nagarnar Steel Plant were made the backbone of India’s economy. Ironically, efforts are being made to weaken the spinal cord. We have taken a government resolution on the platform of the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly that if there is an attempt to sell the Nagarnar Steel Plant being built in Bastar in private hands, the Chhattisgarh Government is ready to buy this plant. Today, on the occasion of Republic Day, I repeat this pledge in front of all of you. In this way, we are committed to protect your water-forest-land as well as your resources and opportunities. I wish that all of you with all your dedication and dedication to move forward towards your set goals. Participate fully in the various schemes of our government. Today, we all have to form a new Chhattisgarh.