Raipur: Principal Secretary Forest Mr. Pingua took review meeting of officials: Instructions to connect farmers of remote areas with small and cottage industries

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Raipur, 17 October 2020. Principal Secretary of the Department of Forest and Commerce and Industry, Mr. Manoj Pingua today took a review meeting of the officers of the Department of Forestry, Horticulture, District Trade and Industry Center, Fisheries etc. in the rest house of District Headquarter Jashpur. 

Principal Secretary Shri Pinga directed the officers to benefit more and more people from the community forest rights letter, individual forest rights letter, community forest resource rights letter to the people of remote Vananchal. He said during the review that there is immense potential for farming in Jashpur district and the farmers here are involved in the cultivation of tea, coffee, cashew, chilli, lychee, strawberry, napatti and encourage farmers to cultivate ginger, turmeric, and others. So that they can earn good income from low cost. To benefit the farmers, he has instructed the Forest Department and Horticulture Department to plant nursery fruitful saplings and distribute them under the government’s scheme so that the farmer can earn good income from the production of fruits as well. 

He said that for the benefit of farmers, self-help groups, small cottage industries and small scale industries should also be promoted so that farmers of remote areas can join the industry and increase their income. He also instructed to prepare a DPR for the drainage for water conservation and augmentation under Naruva, Garuva, Ghuruva Bari scheme. Giving information, Collector Shri Mahadev Kavre said that in order to benefit the farmers in the district, processing unit has been set up at the cost of Rs. 55 lakhs for the farmers by the district administration to promote the betterment of chilli from the Mineral Trust Fund item in the Sanna area. . Polybag sugarcane is being produced on a total of 71 hectares as a model in the development garden of the mineral trust fund. Along with this, Vermi compost soldering is also being made in Gauthan.