Raipur: Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana: Rs 34 crore 40 lakh 5 thousand 218 transferred to farmers holding 20 thousand 765 insurance policies

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Claim payment of remaining insurance policy holder farmers in process 

Raipur, 01 September 2023

Additional Director Agriculture said that under the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme, under the Mausam Rabi year 2022-23, the implementing insurance company of Durg district has given Rs 34 crore 40 lakh 5 to the farmers holding 20,765 insurance policies out of the total 29,628 insurance policies under the Mausam Rabi year 2022-23. Claim payment amount of Rs. 218 thousand has been transferred to the accounts of farmers through National Crop Insurance Portal DigiClaim module.

Out of which, successful claim payment of Rs 20 crore 21 lakh 13 thousand 399 was made to 12 thousand 465 insurance policy holders and Rs 14 crore 17 lakh 53 thousand 783 was paid to 8 thousand 290 insurance policy holders. Action was taken again to transfer the payment to the accounts of farmers. Has been. In this way, the claim payment amount of Rs 01 lakh 38 thousand 35 to the remaining 10 insurance policy holding farmers has failed. As per the provision, action is being taken by the implementing insurance company to transfer the claim amount on unsuccessful claim payment to the farmers.