Raipur: Our forehead rises proudly after the name of Indian Army: Ms. Uike

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Governor honors brave women and brave mothers in Veteran’s Day program

Governor presented a vehicle for the movement of ex-servicemen. 

Raipur, 14 January 2021.  Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike attended the Veteran Day program organized by Chhattisgarh and Odisha sub-region in Nava Raipur today and honored the heroic women and heroic mothers. He saluted the martyred soldiers by thanking the ex-servicemen and their families for their contribution towards the country.

The Governor said that our forehead rises with pride as soon as the name of Indian Army is taken. Who are deployed as a wall of defense in the border of the country every moment of every season. Due to which every citizen of the country remains safe and breathes peace. If they wake up, then we are able to sleep peacefully, because we know what the enemy’s army is under our army, even the enemy of the country cannot be killed. Our army keeps its watch round the clock on land, sky and water. In all the wars that took place after independence, our soldiers fought with their morale and courage and beat the enemies to dust. Be it the Bangladesh War or the Kargil War, the enemies kneel before our army. Today, when we talk about the highest military site of the country where the temperature ranges from 30 to 40 degrees in the daytime and the temperature goes up to minus 70 degrees at night, Our soldiers are stationed there regardless of their lives. When China tried to cross the border of our country when the whole country was suffering from Corona infection, our army gave a befitting reply and forced the enemies to retreat. This battle zone is located in the Galvan Valley of Ladakh region, where the temperature varies from minus 20 to 22 degrees, our soldiers showed bravery and are still deployed today.

The Governor said that whenever there is a natural calamity, flood or earthquake in our country, not only in the war zone, our soldiers are deployed on a notice and help the people in distress and save their lives. Not only our country, our neighboring countries like Nepal also had earthquake, then our soldiers helped them. Today, when the whole world and the country have a corona crisis, At that time our army had also established quarantine centers and played a major role in the supply of medicines and essential materials. I had also seen that Air Force aircraft in the honor of Corona warriors had encouraged them by pouring flowers from the sky. Referring to the Chhattisgarh ex-servicemen’s social organization ‘Sipahi’, he said that during the Corona period, he helped the people by coordinating with the local administration. The Governor said that the stories of courage and selfless service and sacrifice of soldiers excite new generations.

The Governor said that there is a constant effort of the government to make the life of soldiers after retirement easy. He said that it has been decided to provide a vehicle to the ex-servicemen and their families to remove the hassle of commuting to Naya Raipur. The Governor assured the ex-servicemen and their widows that they will do everything possible to solve their problems and if there is any kind of problem, they can contact me.

Additional Chief Secretary Home and in-charge Chief Secretary Shri Subrata Sahu said that soldiers have made invaluable contribution in the service of the country. Stories of soldiers’ sacrifices inspire the new generation. Ex-servicemen and their families are taken care of by the government. The problems of ex-servicemen and their families will be resolved with full seriousness and sensitivity. He said that the ex-servicemen should not have any problem after retirement, this effort will be done by the government. He said that through the Sainik Welfare Board, he can bring his problems to the attention of the government.

On the occasion, Brigadier Mr. Prashant Chauhan, Commander of Chhattisgarh and Odisha Sub-Region, said that Veteran Day is a day of respect for ex-servicemen and their families. It is tried to have every possible solution to their problems. Also, an ex-servicemen cell has also been formed. This cell office will be located in Chhattisgarh and Odisha sub-region located in Nava Raipur. Directorate of Military Welfare Chhattisgarh Director Air Commodore A. N. Kulkarni (C) said that Veteran Day is the day to tell soldiers and ex-servicemen each other’s responsibility. He informed about various schemes operated for ex-servicemen and their families.

On this occasion, MLA and President of Chhattisgarh State Housing Board Mr. Kuldeep Juneja, officers of Chhattisgarh and Odisha sub-region, ex-servicemen and their families were present.