Raipur: One who works with human sensitivity, he is revered in the society: Ms. Uike: Governor attended the birth anniversary program of Saint Mother Teresa ji

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Raipur, 26 August 2021. Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey attended the program organized on the occasion of 111th birth anniversary of Saint Mother Teresa ji at ‘Missionary of Chereti Ashram’ today. He said that the person who selflessly serves the helpless and poor with human sensitivity in the society is considered revered. There are many people in the society who serve the people without any expectation, among them the name of Saint Mother Teresa is prominent. Because of his actions, the whole world sees him with respect.
The Governor said that in many moments of life, she went to someone to ask for help when she needed it, and she suffered a lot for not doing the work as expected or not getting help. Then he resolved that whenever someone comes to me, I will help him in every possible way. He said that whenever I got any responsibility and came before me with any problem, I helped him in every way and tried to make him go satisfied.
The Governor said that Mother Teresa devoted her entire life to the society. Because of his work, he was awarded the Nobel Prize and Bharat Ratna. The organizations established by him are doing service work in various fields. The work done by this institution established by him in the capital for the welfare of women is commendable.
Governor Ms. Uike said that Mother Teresa devoted her entire life to the cause of humanity. He served the poor with his whole heart and soul. She was always there to help the needy. He laid down his life for this. She used to say that ‘Kindness and love may be small but in reality its echo is infinite.’ He used to say that ‘It is not important how much you gave, but how much love you gave while giving. Donating to someone is as important as the way with which, with the thought, you donated.
The Governor said that when we get an opportunity to help someone in life, we should help as much as possible. Even after becoming the Governor, I tried to solve the problems of those who came to the door of Raj Bhavan. When we help someone without expectation, the satisfaction we get is not found in any other work. Therefore, all of us should spend some time of our life in the service of the downtrodden. During the COVID pandemic it has become even more essential that we be sympathetic to others, be kind and help others.
Chairman of Chhattisgarh State Minorities Commission, Mr. Mahendra Chhabra said that whenever we get a chance to serve the downtrodden, we must do so. We should try to serve two people every day. The entire society gets inspiration from the service work done by Saint Mother Teresa and her organization. Mr. Chhabra said that whoever goes to meet Governor Ms. Uike comes satisfied. Since he has assumed this responsibility, the common man of Chhattisgarh feels a sense of belonging.
The program was also addressed by Mr. Girish Devangan, Chairman of State Mineral Development Corporation and Mr. Sushil Sunny Agrawal, President of Chhattisgarh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. On this occasion Sister Maria, Father Jose Philippe, President and philanthropist of Church Court Mr. John Rajesh Paul, President of Hotel Restaurant Employees Welfare Association Mr. Suresh Masih, Sister of Missionary of Charity, other servant sisters and women of Ashram were present.