Raipur: On June 01, five lakh people will take oath in Chhattisgarh for environmental protection

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Innovative initiative of Chhattisgarh Environment Protection Board

Program will be organized with public participation under Mission Life

Raipur, 25 May 2023

In Chhattisgarh, on June 01, five lakh people will take oath for environmental protection in one day. Life Style for Environment program is being run in the state under the Mission Life programme. Under this program, in the series of programs being organized by the Chhattisgarh Environment Protection Board on the occasion of World Environment Day, a program of oath for environmental protection has been kept on June 01. Under Life Pledge, it has been decided to take pledge by five lakh people simultaneously in the entire state, so that public awareness can be brought about environmental protection on a large scale.

In a single day, five lakh people will show their commitment in the field of environment protection by taking oath. The oath can be taken in Hindi or English in group or individually and its video and photo can be sent on WhatsApp numbers +91-7415781776, +91-9109028361, +91-7415796619 on June 01 from 8 am to 4 pm. If five lakh people take oath together in the entire state or if the number of oath takers from Raipur district crosses 1.5 lakh, then it will be a world record. Chhattisgarh Environment Protection Board urges all the people to participate in this great campaign by taking oath for environmental protection on 01 June 2023. The pledge is as follows – I pledge that I will bring every possible change in my daily life to save the environment. I also promise to continuously inspire my family, friends and others about the importance of environment friendly habits and behaviours.