Raipur: No one should be left behind in development: Shri Bhupesh Baghel: First meeting of State Level Sustainable Development Goal Steering Committee chaired by Chief Minister

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Raipur, 12 July 2021. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has said that the development agenda of the state government and the plans of the state government are linked to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. It is the endeavor of the state government that no one is left behind in development. The state government is determined to take the benefits of the schemes of the government to the last person of the society. Chief Minister Shri Baghel was addressing the first meeting of the State Level Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Steering Committee constituted to review the Sustainable Development Goals at his residence office here today. The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly include ending poverty, protecting the environment, reducing economic inequality and ensuring peace and justice for all.

The Chief Minister said in the meeting that the state government had public welfare schemes like mid-day meal, Chief Minister’s Food Security Scheme, Universal Public Distribution System, Haat Bazar and Mohalla Clinic Scheme, Mahtari Jatan Yojna, Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay, Suraji Gaon Yojana, Godhan Nyay Yojana, etc. It is trying to meet the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals through security plans. The Chief Minister released the “State Indicator Framework” prepared by the State Planning Commission for achieving the Sustainable Development Goal and the “Baseline and Progress Report 2020” based on it. In the meeting, he directed the departments to work expeditiously to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


The Chief Minister said that with the ‘State Indicator Framework’ prepared by the Chhattisgarh State Planning Commission, systematic evaluation, monitoring and monitoring can be done to achieve the targets, which will bring in tightness in the implementation of departmental plans, programs and improve the ranking of the state. Will happen. In this framework, 275 indicators have been determined to evaluate 17 targets. In the framework, each indicator has been mapped to departments and various schemes have also been mapped. Each SDG prepared by the Planning Commission. Indicators for targets will help the departments in timely completion of all targets and systematic evaluation will also be possible. The Chief Minister appointed SDGs at the level of the State Planning Commission. Agreed to consider the proposal to set up a cell.

Mr. Baghel said that soon the District Indicator Framework would also be determined on the lines of the State Indicator Framework, so that all the districts would be ranked on the basis of their performance. The Chief Minister said that NITI Aayog has recently launched “SDG. India Index” has been released, in which Chhattisgarh has been ranked in the category of “Performer” state by securing 61 marks. The state has secured the highest position in the entire country in gender equality.

The Chief Minister said that the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) was adopted by the international community in the 70th meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015. In which it was resolved to start the program of sustainable development by accepting 17 goals, 169 goals and 231 indicators. Our country India is also determined for this. Similarly, our Chhattisgarh is also determined for this big campaign of human welfare. The development agenda of the state government, also in the purpose of public manifesto, SDG. The resolution of Antyodaya is included in accordance with the goal and we are all committed to it. sdg According to the principle of the State Government is also implementing its schemes in such a way that the benefits of development can reach the person meeting at the last end effectively.

The Chief Minister said that in order to ensure the participation of all in the campaign to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the State Planning Commission organized workshops of civil society, business organisations, teachers of universities, subject experts and youth to make the concerned aware of the campaign and Tried to connect to it.

The State Indicator Framework prepared by the Planning Commission, Minister for Planning, Economics and Statistics, Shri Amarjit Bhagat, will be helpful in effectively implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in the state. The progress report has also been prepared by the Planning Commission. In which indicator wise progress is reported. He advised the heads of departments and district officers to monitor various schemes on the basis of this framework. He said that despite the lockdown, the State Planning Commission has made a commendable effort to prepare this framework in coordination with the concerned departments. Forest Minister Mr. Mohammad Akbar pointed out the need for improving the ranking of the target-wise state in the index, collecting quality data.

State Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Shri Ajay Singh gave SDG. Efforts made for assessment, determination of institutional structure, committees constituted for monitoring and monitoring at the state and district level were given information. He said that for better implementation of SDGs, two committees have been constituted at the state level under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and the Chief Secretary and at the district level under the chairmanship of District Collector.

Adviser to the Chief Minister Shri Pradeep Sharma told in the meeting that so far only a few states have implemented ‘SDG’. Indicator framework and progress report. The state of Chhattisgarh has been placed in the category of performer in the index. Which has great potential for improvement. Indicator framework prepared by Chhattisgarh on priority basis will enable all sectors to be effectively activated for all round development.

Planning and Statistics Minister Shri Amarjit Bhagat, Forest and Climate Change Minister Shri Mohammad Akbar, Industries Minister Shri Kawasi Lakhma, Women and Child Development Minister Smt. Anila Bhendia, Advisor to Chief Minister Shri Pradeep Sharma and Shri Rajesh Tiwari, Deputy Chairman of State Planning Commission attended the meeting Mr. Ajay Singh, Chief Secretary Mr. Amitabh Jain, Additional Chief Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Subrata Sahu, Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Siddharth Komal Singh Pardeshi, Member State Planning Commission Dr. K. Subramaniam, Member Secretary Mr. Anoop Kumar Srivastava, Joint Director of State Planning Commission Dr. Neetu Gourdia were present at the Chief Minister’s residence. Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey, School Education Minister Dr. Premsai Singh Tekam, Labor Minister Shri Shivkumar Dahria, Principal Secretary Planning, Economics and Statistics Gaurav Dwivedi, Secretary Finance Smt. Alarmelmangai D., Commissioner Planning, Economics and Statistics Shikha Rajput Tiwari,