Raipur: New India Literacy Program: Target to make 5 lakh illiterates of the state literate

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Raipur, 23 February 2023

Under the New India Literacy Program, a target has been set to make 5 lakh illiterate people of the state literate in the year 2023-24. For this, 50 thousand volunteer teachers will be prepared. Priority will be given to aspirational districts and districts with low literacy rate. In this scheme, apart from basic literacy, numeracy, important life skills such as financial literacy, digital literacy, legal and electoral literacy, health hygiene, vocational skills, basic education and continuing education, special awareness programs will also be run.
On behalf of the state, Mr. Rajesh Singh Rana, Special Secretary, School Education Department and Director, State Literacy Mission Authority, presented the action plan for the year 2023-24 in the meeting of the Project Approval Committee of the New India Literacy Program. A virtual meeting was held today in the presence of Shri Sanjay Kumar, Union Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of India and Ms. Archana Sharma Awasthi, Joint Secretary. In this meeting, senior officers of different states of the country presented the action plans of their respective states. Shri Rana informed that a survey of teachers above 15 years of age will be conducted under the New India Literacy Program in the state. After the survey is done, they will be taught online with the help of admit card and other material prepared by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT). For this, a special cell of State Literacy Center has been constituted in SCERT.
Mr. Rana told that it will be implemented in all the districts of the state. A target has been set to make illiterates in the state 100 percent literate in the next 5 years. For this, district-wise targets are being fixed for all the districts. Apart from Mr. Rana, the assistant director of the authority Mr. Prashant Pandey and Mr. Dinesh Kumar Tank were present in the meeting.