Raipur: Necessary suggestions for protection from heat stroke and its remedies in the scorching heat

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Do’s and Don’ts in “Loo”
Raipur, 18 May 2023

Due to increase in temperature in the summer season, there is a possibility of scorching heat and heatstroke among the citizens. Due to which the life and health of the general public can be adversely affected. In view of this, the doctors of the Health Department have appealed to the common citizens to take necessary precautions. Necessary guidelines have been issued by the Health Department in this regard.
   Symptoms of heat stroke – heaviness and pain in the head, dry mouth with high fever, dizziness and vomiting, body aches with weakness, no sweating despite high body temperature, increased thirst and decreased urination Symptoms include loss of appetite and fainting.
Measures to prevent heat stroke-If it is not very necessary for this, then do not go out of the house. Before going out in the sun, tie the head and ears well with a cloth. Drink plenty of water. Do not stay in the sun for a long time. Wear soft cotton clothes during summer so that the air and the fabric can absorb the sweat. In case of excessive sweating o. R. S. Drink the solution. In case of dizziness, vomiting, take rest in a shady place. Drink cold drink water, take fruit juice, lassi, matha etc. For initial advice, take free consultation from 104 Health Service Center. In case of vomiting, headache, high fever, take necessary advice from the nearest hospital or health center.
first aid treatment for heatstrokeApply cold water bandage, raw mango paste, jaljeera etc. on the head of the person suffering from fever, make the victim lie under the fan in the air, keep spraying cold water on the body, the victim should be sent to a nearby medical center immediately. Take them for treatment, Anganwadi Mitanin and A.N.M. to O.R.S. Contact for key packet.
What to do – drink enough water to prevent heat stroke even if you are not thirsty, before increasing fluid intake in people with epilepsy or potential heart, kidney or liver disease, those on a fluid restricted diet or those with fluid retention Doctor should be consulted. Wear light colored loose cotton clothes. To keep yourself hydrated, take ORS solution, homemade drinks like lassi, lemon water, buttermilk etc.
what not to do-Avoid going out in the sun, do not go out barefoot, avoid cooking in the afternoon, avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated soft drinks, they dehydrate the body. Avoid high protein food.
Precautions – Stay indoors as much as possible, traditional remedies like salt, cumin, onion salad and raw mangoes can prevent heat stroke. Do not leave children and pets alone in a closed vehicle, use fans and damp cloths. Bathe in the poles water. Give water to the vendors and those who deliver goods to your home or office and plant trees, do not burn dry leaves, agricultural residues and garbage.