Raipur: National Ramayana Festival: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel’s address

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Raipur, 01 June 2023

Ram belongs to everyone, belongs to Nishadraj, belongs to Shabri, everyone feels intimacy in him.

Lord Ram is corporeal as well as formless. Those who believe in Ram believe him in both the forms.

Our morning is with Ram, evening with Ramayana.

Our state is the state of Kaushalya Mata. Where Lord Ram was supposed to be crowned but he went to exile. Met Nishadraj, met Shabri. The sages met the sages.

Faced so much difficulty but did not lose his dignity. He spent 10 years of exile here.

He spent so many years in Chhattisgarh. We have a relation with Vanvasi Ram as well as with Ram of Kaushalya, so he is our nephew, that’s why we touch the feet of nephews.

Some part of Chhattisgarh is seen in the character of Lord Ram.

Our relationship with Ram is not only that of exile Ram. Rather, our relationship is also in the form of Shabri’s Ram, Kaushalya’s Ram.