Raipur: National Education Policy 2020: “Education Week” will be organized on the occasion of completion of four years

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Raipur, 20 July 2024

To mark the completion of four years of the National Education Policy 2020, a week-long ‘Shiksha Saptah’ is being organized in all government, aided and private schools across the country to spread the spirit of the National Education Policy 2020 to the masses. In this connection, the Chhattisgarh Government School Education Department has issued instructions to all the District Collectors to celebrate Shiksha Saptah from July 22.

Through the circular issued, instructions have been given to conduct day-wise activities in all the schools of the district, in which the first day is TLM Day on Monday, 22nd July – teachers are encouraged to display local materials and use them in the class. Similarly, the second day on Tuesday, 23 July is FLN Day – to create awareness among all stakeholders for the implementation of FLN, the third day on Wednesday, 24 July is Sports Day – to organize competitions for the importance of sports and fitness, the fourth day on Thursday, 25 July is Cultural Day – various cultural programs should be organized to develop the feeling of unity in diversity among students, the fifth day on Friday, 26 July is Skill and Digital Initiative Day – to promote various skills, encourage digital initiatives in learning, the sixth day on Saturday, 27 July is Mission Life/Eco Club Day – formation of Eco Club in schools, organizing Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam, tree plantation in schools and the seventh day on Sunday, 28 July is Community Participation Day – maximum participation by meeting local community, public representatives, parents, SMC, PTA, Panchayati Raj institutions, instructions have been given to organize invitation feast.  

On the last day of the programme, along with organising an invitation feast in all the schools, an oath regarding joining the Ullas programme will also be taken.