Raipur: Mistress turned from laborer due to Ripa

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Women are becoming self-sufficient by making fly ash bricks

Raipur, 08 August 2023

Women are becoming self-sufficient by making fly ash bricks

Women who once used to work as laborers in other’s fields and factories have now become mistresses themselves. Now she is working for herself. Through the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Industrial Park, these women have found a new way of self-reliance. Entrepreneurs have got great support from this innovative initiative of the state government. So far 300 Ripa have been constructed in the Gauthans of the villages, where people have got enough means and facilities for livelihood activities. It has become easier for rural entrepreneurs to operate an enterprise of their choice.
    Agricultural and poor women of village Kampa under Mahasamund development block formed Durga Self Help Group which has 10 women members. Women became self-confident by associating with Bihaan and are now becoming self-reliant by associating with Ripa. Technical and hard work is generally considered difficult for women, but women have shown this work of making fly ash bricks very well. In the last 3 months only, he has prepared about 67 thousand bricks, out of which 40 thousand bricks have also been sold to the panchayat. Women have earned more than Rs 1 lakh from this. The group’s secretary Mrs. Kalyani Dubey told that women are also making vermicompost and have sold compost worth Rs. 1 lakh 30 thousand so far. His group is also doing internal transactions worth Rs.1.25 lakh. Kalyani says that after the initial training, women are now able to make bricks easily,
    The president of the group, Ahilya Sahu, told that they sell at the rate of about two and a half rupees per brick. On the other hand, Devki Soni, Deepalata and Urvashi Dubey, who were associated with the group, said that we did not think that we would be able to operate the machine ourselves, but now it is happening. The glow of self-confidence and self-reliance can be seen on the faces of women. Women say that once our days were spent working for others, but today we are working for ourselves and feel like mistresses. This was possible only because of Ripa.