Raipur: Mineral wealth of Chhattisgarh became a means of development of the state and economic progress of the people of the state: Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

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Chief Minister inaugurated new office of Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation in Nava Raipur

Efforts should be made to establish maximum industries of value addition in minerals in the state itself

There should be an increase in revenue from minerals and people get more employment opportunities.

Raipur, 19 November 2020. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has said that Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation has a big responsibility to make the mineral wealth of Chhattisgarh a means for the development of the state and the economic progress of the people of the state. It should be the effort of Mineral Development Corporation that more and more industries of mineral based value addition should be set up in the state, which will increase the revenue of the state and also provide new employment opportunities to the people in the new industries. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel was addressing the program after inaugurating new office of Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation in Sector-24, Nava Raipur today.
Forest Minister Mr. Mohammad Akbar chaired the program. School Education Minister Dr. Premasai Singh Tekam, Food Minister Mr. Amarjeet Bhagat, Revenue Minister Mr. Jaisingh Agrawal, Urban Administration Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria, MLA Mr. Dhanendra Sahu, State Food Supply Corporation President Mr. Ram Gopal Agrawal as special guests. Was present in President of Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation (CMDC) Mr. Girish Dewangan welcomed the guests to the program.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister said that more than 50 MoUs have been signed by the state government for the establishment of new industries. Have been done, through which a capital investment of about 45 thousand crores will be made in the state. A major challenge for CMDC will be to continuously supply raw materials to mineral based industries with efficiency. The Chief Minister said that Chhattisgarh Mehtari has given us a lot. Chhattisgarh is full of mineral wealth. Now it is our responsibility that the benefits of this mineral wealth reach to 28 million people of the state. Referring to the iron ore aridongri project, the Chief Minister said that CMDC should make efforts to make pallets from the iron ore coming out from here, to increase the revenue of the state by value addition. The Chief Minister also referred to new projects of CMDC. He brought progress in the work of deposit 4 and deposit 13 of Bailadila, Stressed the need to make efforts to acquire new coal blocks and accelerate the discovery of new areas of tin ore collection. He said that an MoU has been done for the aluminum plant in Surguja area, its work will start soon. Mr. Baghel said that minerals like coal, iron ore, dolomite, limestone, diamond, uranium are found in abundance in Chhattisgarh. This wealth should be utilized in the development of the state.
Mr. Baghel said that after the formation of the new government, efforts were made to provide education, health, employment in the mine areas with the help of DMF item. Efforts were made to provide better health facilities in Bastar region. Earlier, the MLAs of Bastar used to demand a doctor and a master, but now such demands have stopped coming. He said that 105 schools closed for 13 years were re-started in Sukma district, 13.87 percent of the children were out of malnutrition through the Chief Minister’s Suraksha Abhiyan, a record. Schemes like Haat Bazar Clinic started in the health sector, appointment of doctors was done in Bastar area. Today there are 22 doctors in Jagdalpur while 26 doctors are working in remote district like Bijapur. The result of better health facilities was that even after 200 percent rainfall last year, not a single case of diarrhea or vomiting-diarrhea in Bastar region was reported.
Presiding over the program, Forest Minister Mohammad Akbar said that the mineral wealth that nature has given to Chhattisgarh. In view of this, there is a lot of scope to work in Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation. He hoped that the Mineral Development Corporation would play its important role in the development of the state. Addressing the program, Chairman of Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation, Mr. Girish Dewangan said that CMDC will make every effort to utilize mineral resources in the development of Chhattisgarh. It will be the endeavor of CMDC to ensure smooth supply of raw materials to the mineral based industries and provide more employment opportunities to the people in the industries. He said that CMDC will work step by step with the state government to realize the dream of Garhbo Nava Chhattisgarh. Secretary of Mineral Resources Department, Mr. Anbalagan P. Said that Chhattisgarh is the leading state in the country in the production of minerals. Chhattisgarh ranks first in coal production. Managing Director of Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation, Mr. Sameer Vishnoi, while presenting the report of Mineral Development Corporation, gave information about the corporation’s projects.