Raipur: Information about production of horticulture crops given to farmers

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Training and awareness program based on schemes of National Horticulture Board organized
Raipur, May 18, 2023

A training and awareness program based on the schemes of National Horticulture Board was organized under the joint aegis of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raipur and National Horticulture Board, Raipur. The farmers involved in this program were given information regarding the Integrated Horticulture Development Mission and Horticulture schemes. How the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and the National Horticulture Board together are conducting farmer-oriented activities in the field of horticulture. The program was inaugurated by Dr. S.S. Tuteja’s main hospitality. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raipur, Senior Scientist and Head, Dr. Gautam Roy, Deputy Director of National Horticulture Board, Raipur, Mr. S.K. Sharma, Deputy Director, Horticulture Raipur, Mr. Kailash Paikra, Hemchand Yadav University,
The chief guest of the program Dr. S.S. Tuteja gave information about the work being done by the university in the field of horticulture in a scientific way and told about the benefits of it. Other guests of the program also informed the farmers regarding the Integrated Horticulture Development Mission and Horticulture schemes. In the technical session organized during the programme, detailed information was provided to the farmers about advanced plant material production techniques, as well as how these plant materials should be marketed was discussed. Farmers and speakers expressed their views on how production and marketing of horticulture crops can be done on a large scale through farmer producer organizations. Agricultural Science Center of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, The program of open pollination and hybrid seed production is being run by Raipur and Vegetable Science Department. Farmers were given detailed information on how the seed production of vegetables should be done, what type of climate, soil and other resources are required for that.
During the technical session, the various provisions of the scheme, eligibility related information, cost price, grant information and how farmers can benefit from the schemes and activities of the National Horticulture Board were explained in detail by the officials of the National Horticulture Board, Raipur. Farmers were told in detail on this subject from which applications can be made, as well as information about the achievements of the board was also provided. During this, the implementation of the grant schemes of the National Horticulture Board through the bank was discussed, what kind of documents and eligibility are required for the implementation of the scheme. Professor of Vegetable Science Department of Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Dr. Rajshree Gain, Mr. S.K. Sharma Deputy Director, National Horticulture Board, Raipur, Mr. Devesh Shukla, V.Nr. Management, Raipur, UCO Bank, Mr. Dipesh Makhija, senior manager of Krishak Nagar branch, provided information to the farmers on different topics. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Agarwal, Dr. Swati Pardhi, Dr. Uttam Kumar and Mrs. Kamla Gandharva from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raipur were present in the programme.