Raipur: Income of women group increased due to vegetable production: Now income is increasing with confidence.

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Raipur, 18 November 2020. Under the ambitious Suraji village scheme of the state government, women of the village panchayat Ved Parsada of Masturi development block of Bilaspur district have started a vegetable production by forming a group. Due to which not only they are getting extra income but their confidence is also increasing. Women of Shri Radhakrishna Self Help Group are increasing their economic activities by cultivating vegetables. The chairperson of the group, Mrs. Lalitha Patel said that there are 10 women members in our group. The officials of Panchayat and Rural Development Department gave us the inspiration to do vegetable production work. He gave us detailed training and information on joining the group to get financial benefits. Mrs. Patel said that earlier we were skeptical about how we would be able to do this work, but we were constantly encouraged by the authorities. The result of his encouragement is that today we have successfully
Secretary of Radhakrishna Group, Smt Pushpa Sahu said that we are growing vegetables in 1.5 acres. We have put cabbage, tomato, radish, brinjal, ladyfinger, barre bhaji and tiwra bhaji in the garden. Last year we had an additional income of 5 thousand by selling these vegetables. It is expected to earn even more this year. The women of the group say that we have got a new source of income from Suraji Yojana. Being financially competent is also helping us to run a family. In future also we will be able to expand our economic activities. Women groups have also done pasture development work on 5 acres with the help of animal department. Napier has planted grass on 2.5 acres. He has also earned additional income from pasture development.