Raipur: Income increased from Gothan, ease of running household expenses

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Raipur, 13 May 2021. Many women who were previously unemployed in their own villages have now got employment through Gowthan. Women are not only operating Gouthans by joining self-help groups, but have also made their own income sources. In the Corona transition period, where many trades and businesses are being affected, women of the women self-help groups associated with the Gothans formed under the village Suraji Yojana are also earning income and taking care of the expenses of the household.

Income is being obtained by women of self-help group of Uttar Bastar Kanker by undertaking various economic activities such as vermicompost production, poultry farming, vegetable production, mushroom production etc. Here, women of self-help groups are strengthening their economic condition by selling poultry and vegetables in the surrounding villages by producing vermi compost fertilizer, poultry, vegetable production, maize and pigeonpea and mushrooms in Anwari Gothan of Charama development block. Anwari Gowthan, created under the government’s village Suraji Yojana, is providing employment to women of local self-help groups and also providing them income.

The Chief Executive Officer of District Panchayat Kanker, Dr. Sanjay Kannauje told that in this phase of Korana transition, under the village Suraji Yojana of the State Government, Naruva, Garuva, Ghuruwa and Bari villagers are proving to be a boon. Vermi worth Rs 33 thousand has been sold by women of Guru Ghasidas Women Self Help Group of village Anwari Gauthan of Charama development block. Similarly, women of Jai Ambe self-help group are doing the work of Kadaknath poultry under the convergence of the bank linkage and animal department under the Bihaan scheme, they have sold poultry for Rs. Vegetables, maize and pigeon have been produced by Jai Safura Mata group and sold vegetables worth 01 lakh 32 thousand. In this way, Varmi compost, poultry, vegetable production, maize and pigeonpea and mushroom were produced and sold for Rs 02 lakh 96 thousand 500 by women of self-help group in Anwari Gowthan. In which he earned a net income of Rs. 2 lakhs. 8 to 10 thousand rupees per woman members working in Gothan have benefited. CEO Dr. Kannauje said that women of self-help groups in the districts like Sriguhan Gowthan, Karramad, Nawagav Bhavgir, Lulegondi etc. are also earning their livelihood by getting employment and income from multi-activity activities, thereby increasing their social and economic status. Better than before.