Raipur: In the coming time, there will be an industrial park in every village of Chhattisgarh: Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

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One acre of Gauthan village will be reserved for village industry activities. 

Chief Minister joins ‘Rest Chhattisgarh After Lockdown’ e-conclave

Raipur, 10 July 2020. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has said that in the coming time there will be an industrial park in every village of Chhattisgarh. He said that out of the land reserved for Gothan in the village, one acre will be reserved for cottage and small industries, where self-help women group will do the work of valuation in small forest produce. The Chief Minister said this today at the conclusion of the e-conclave organized by Hindi news, an electronic news channel. Mr. Bhupesh Baghel was involved in this conclave on the topic of ‘Rest Chhattisgarh After Lockdown’ through video conferencing from his residence office in Raipur. Mr. Baghel said that the Godhan Nyaya Yojana is being started in the state from the Hareli festival on July 20. In this scheme, vermicompost will be prepared in Gothan by purchasing cow dung from cattle rearing. Chhattisgarh is the first state in the country, where cow dung will be purchased. Giving details of the Suraji village scheme launched on the occasion of 150th anniversary of Gandhiji, he said that this scheme will prove to be a strong pillar of the rural economy of Chhattisgarh. Through this scheme, the imagination of Mahatma Gandhi’s village Swaraj will be realized.
The Chief Minister reiterated his resolve to fight Corona in the program and said that in this era of pandemic crisis, employment opportunities are to be found for everyone. If Hindustan is to be rebuilt, then everyone will have to start some work in confidence, which will provide employment and make everyone happy and prosperous. He said that the priority of the state government is to connect more and more people with employment. Mr. Baghel took steps by the state government to prevent corona infection in the conclave, efforts to continue economic activities required during lockdown, measures taken to provide relief to the needy people in difficult times and the current economic environment of Chhattisgarh. Keep your thoughts in detail. The Chief Minister said that the state government is making efforts to promote local tourism in the state. Work has been started by making provision of funds for developing Ramavan Gman Path. He said that Chhattisgarh has historical heritage with many picturesque natural sites. Work is being done to promote tourism by developing facilities for tourists here.
The Chief Minister said that during the lockdown, necessary economic activities were continued in Chhattisgarh. Large industries of the state continued to operate with less capacity. The mines were not closed. MNREGA works were started on a large scale, with a maximum of 26 lakh people employed. During the lockdown, fifteen hundred crores rupees were transferred to the farmers’ account as the first installment of the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyaya Yojana. The collection of minor forest produce also continued. Money flowed through these channels into people’s pockets, causing industry, trade and business to flourish even in lockdown. During the lockdown, more than three thousand tractors were sold in the state. Compared to June of last year, GST collection grew by 22 percent in June this year. To give a boost to the real estate sector, 30 percent discount has been given in collector guide line rates for the sale and purchase of land. The registration fee was also reduced. There has been more registry this year than the previous year.
Regarding the prevention and prevention measures of corona infection, the Chief Minister said that people coming from abroad were identified and placed in home quarantine. During the lockdown, about six and a half lakh laborers and others returned to Chhattisgarh, which were kept in 21 thousand quarantine centers built in the state. Now most of these people have returned to their respective homes. Arrangements were also made to investigate and treat those found to be corona infected, keeping the state of corona infection under control. During the lockdown, the Chief Minister’s Suraksha Abhiyan was also continued. As a result, the number of malnourished children decreased by 13 percent.