Raipur: Home Minister Mr. Tamradhwaj Sahu reviewed the updated status of Kovid infection and prevention and treatment in Bilaspur district through video conferencing

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Raipur, 12 April 2021. Home Minister and Minister in-charge of Bilaspur district, Mr. Tamradhwaj Sahu, today made a thorough review of the updated status of Corona 19 infection and prevention and treatment in Bilaspur district through video conferencing from his Raipur residence office. He said that in view of increasing infection of Karona patients in the district, Kovid care center should be established at the development level. There will be patients who do not have any symptoms but are positive. He directed to strictly follow the lockdown and take action against those who roam without masks.
Minister Shri Sahu said that the corona vaccination of people should be expedited as per eligibility and corona testing should be done on a large scale. He instructed to check maximum corona and treat positive people according to the guidelines of the government, in home isolation, quarantine. Instructions were given to increase the number of oxygen, beds, ICUs, and ventilators as well as increase the number of doctors and skilled staff.

Home Minister Mr. Sahu said that the control room set up for the prevention of corona infection should operate smoothly. Perform continuous monitoring of misleading messages in social media. People living in home isolation should keep talking to people on the phone and they should be ensured that the delivery of medicines is on a regular basis. He said that the details of people going out of the village and coming from outside the village through the Panchayat Secretaries and Patwaris should be kept, so that the corona infection can be kept under control. He said that there should be no black marketing of redmisivir medicine, and keep a check on private hospitals as well. Officials of various departments including Collector, SP, CMHO, CEO, Zilla Panchayat were present in the video conferencing.