Raipur, 7 May 2021. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has directed the officials concerned to ensure regular monitoring of home-isolated patients in rural areas with utmost care. In case, the health condition of such patients decline, they should be immediately hospitalized. Chief Minister also directed the officials to regularly inspect the private hospitals and ensure that the patients are not being charged more than the fixed rate for COVID treatment. Patients should also be given the benefit of Dr Khubchand Baghel Health Scheme and Ayushman Scheme. Chief Minister was addressing the virtual meeting from his residence office to review the COVID situation in 18 blocks of 9 districts in Raipur, Durg and Sarguja Division. In this meeting, Chief Minister took information about the preventive measures being taken in these blocks, the progress of COVID vaccination, arrangements for treatment of COVID patients, quarantine centers, isolation facilities, and COVID tests.
Chief Minister said that COVID situation in Raipur and Durg Division is under control to a great extent, but still a lot has to be done. Number of COVID cases in rural areas has escalated because of the negligence, gatherings, wedding functions and arrival of people from outside. Under these circumstances, officials need to ensure strict compliance to the COVID prevention guidelines.
The meeting was attended by SDOs Revenue, Tehsildars, Nayab Tehsildars, SDOPs, TIs, CMHOs and BMOs of Raipur, Balodabazar, Gariaband, Mahasamund and Dhamtari district under Raipur Division, Koriya district under Sarguja Division and 18 development blocks of Durg, Balod and Bemetara districts of Durg Division, via video conferencing.
Chief Minister further said that that the number of oxygen beds, ICU beds, ventilator beds have been sufficiently increased in the state. Number of doctors and medical staff has also been increased. In the review meeting, officials of rural areas informed that general beds, oxygen beds and ICU beds in various hospitals of these areas are vacant. Adequate stock of medicines is also available. COVID medicines are being distributed to symptomatic patients with the help of Mitanins. Chief Minister said- it is important to ensure that the patients in home isolation follow COVID guidelines and stay in regular contact, so that their vitals can be monitored and in case their health condition gets serious, they can be hospitalized.
During the discussion, it was found that the quacks in rural areas are trying to treat the COVID patients without following the COVID protocol, because of which the number of serious patients has significantly increased. Chief Minister said that the Medical Officers should take heed of such quacks as well as their patients, and ensure proper treatment of such patients with COVID symptoms as per the standard protocol.
Chief Minister instructed the officials concerned to strictly implement COVID guidelines at the places with mines such as Koriya and Balod and the places with factories such as Balodabazar. He said that the labourers should be provided employment. In case any labourer is found positive in the COVID test, they should be provided treatment facility. Officials of Bemetara and Bilaigarh informed that the cases of COVID infection among people of age group 20-40 years are increasing rapidly. Chief Minister said that the youngsters of these age group should be informed and convinced to follow COVID guideline and lockdown norms. Chief Minister expressed his concern over the increasing number of COVID cases in Koriya district, and directed the officials to make people follow the guidelines, restrict movement by installing barricades, strictly monitoring the bordering areas and pacing up the testing work.
Health Minister Mr. TS Singhdeo said that the people of age 45 and above, who have taken the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, should be identified and motivated to take the second dose. It should also be ensured that if the oxygen level of patients in home-isolation falls below 94, they should be immediately hospitalized. Home Minister Mr. Tamradhwaj Sahu said that the arrangements made by State Government for containment of COVID-19 are yielding positive results. State Government has facilitated sufficient funds, vaccine doses, doctors and medical staff. He said that the myths about vaccination should be busted, propaganda through social media should be stopped and factual information should be promoted with the help of Experts. Revenue Minister Mr. Jaisingh Agrawal said that there is no shortage of medicines, oxygen or bed in the state.
Officials of Durg rural area said that every other day, they send teams in the Containment Zone to conduct COVID test. They also ensure distribution of medicine kits with the help of Mitannin. In Kurud area of Dhamtari, sector-level employees are being trained to monitor patients in home isolation and to prevent infection. Officials informed that they have ensured adequate availability of medicines required for the treatment of corona in all places. Public awareness about importance of COVID guidelines is being created through loudspeakers. Police patrolling is being done regularly in all places. COVID test is being done on the inter-state borders and railway stations.