Raipur: Health protection campaign to ensure early detection and treatment of corona infected: Mitanin will conduct door-to-door survey two days a week, campaign will run till 31 December

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Health Minister Mr. Singhdev appealed to the people, be open and explain quickly

Raipur. 2 November 2020. Health protection campaign is being carried out by the Health Department to ensure early detection of corona infects and ensure their treatment. Under the campaign, Mitanins from both rural and urban areas will go door-to-door every Wednesday and Thursday to identify individuals with symptoms of corona. Based on the report of the Mitannins, the department will make quick checks of their swab samples and if found positive, treatment will be arranged immediately. The campaign will be conducted till 31 December 2020. Health Minister Shri T.S. Singhdev has appealed to the people to be open about the symptoms related to corona and get an early investigation. He said that due to early diagnosis of corona infection and early treatment, death from it can be reduced.

Officials of the Health Department said that more than 72 thousand Mitanins and other support staff have been trained to reach out to maximum number of people through Health Protection Campaign. A survey has been conducted by trained Mitannins till October 28 to identify patients suspected of Kovid-19 in a total of 35 lakh 17 thousand houses in the state. During this period, 61 thousand 195 persons with symptoms resembling the corona have been identified by the Mitannins. The samples of these identified people are being investigated by the Health Department. Mittinin goes from house to house with fever , cold, cough , trouble in breathing , smelling or loss of taste ,List of people with symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting and body pain. Individuals with such symptoms are also being motivated for early investigation.