Raipur: ‘Har Ghar Jhanda – Hummer Flag Program’: Detailed guidelines issued to collectors

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Along with homes, the national flag will be hoisted in all government buildings, public undertakings, offices of corporate and private organizations.

Raipur, 02 August 2022

The Indian flag is a symbol of the nation, to promote this pride, the Har Ghar Jhanda program is being organized from 11 to 17 August 2022 under the Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi. In this program, all Indian citizens will be motivated to hoist the national flag at their home, so that the feeling of patriotism is developed in the general public and the respect of the national flag will also increase.

Under the Har Ghar Jhanda program, the national flag will be hoisted in the homes of common citizens, government buildings, public undertakings, offices of private organizations. To make this program a success, the Secretary, Department of Culture has given detailed guidelines to all the collectors. All collectors will ensure active participation of all employees and their families of public undertakings, self-help groups, social organizations etc. under their district. Apart from this, CSR is also given to corporate and private organizations. Instructions have been given to encourage participants to participate and contribute, including resources.
 According to the instructions issued by the state government websites and social media, awareness is being created among the general public and the Amrit Mahotsav ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ is being hosted on the website ( amritmahotsav.nic.in) .) has been linked to. Along with this, instructions have also been given to organize Gram Sabha with the participation of village sarpanches and other members and office bearers of the Panchayat, keeping in mind the flag code, to find out the demand for adequate flags. At the government level, it has been asked to set up flag distribution and sales centers in each village, encourage local self-help groups to make flags and ensure their participation, and encourage group purchases on a large scale by gram panchayats.

In the issued instructions, along with hoisting the flag in all government buildings and institutions, to make the Independence Week Har Ghar flag program a success, through pamphlets, banners, stands and various means of communication, prominently dissemination of flags in all the districts of the state. It has been asked to establish a vast network of fair price shops in the form of distributors and outlets. Along with displaying the messages of Independence Week ‘Har Ghar Jhanda Program’ in state transport buses, as well as distributing pamphlets-stickers at toll nakas, check posts etc., thus the Gram Panchayats under Independence Week ‘Har Ghar Jhanda Program’. They have been asked to nominate as the nodal institutions for the storage and distribution of flags.