Raipur: Governor extends best wishes on the occasion of World Tribal Day

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Raipur, 08 August 2022

Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey has greeted the tribal society and all the citizens of the country and the state on the occasion of World Tribal Day. In his message, the Governor has said that Chhattisgarh is one of those states in the country, where about 30.62 percent tribals are residing, who have saved their culture, ideas, art and beliefs. Their culture and traditions are unique. Tribal society has actually fulfilled its responsibilities towards nature and environment. It is because of these sentiments that the tribal society has easily prospered.
The Governor said that the tribal society has been the protector of culture, traditions and nature since its inception. History is witness that when the time came, he stood for the defense of the country and also made his supreme sacrifice. There have been great people in the tribal society like Shaheed Birsa Munda, Veer Narayan Singh, Veer Gundadhur, Rani Durgavati,Raghunath Shah, Shankar Shah,  Badal Bhoi, Tantaya Bhil, who sacrificed their lives to protect the country. I bow to all the revolutionaries on this occasion.