Raipur: Godhan Nyaya Yojana has strengthened the rural economy: Chief Minister Mr. Baghel Chief Minister Mr. Baghel

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Godhan Nyay Yojana: Transfer of more than 7 crores to the beneficiaries as 56th installment

The Chief Minister appealed to the farmers for Paradan

Till now more than 4000 Gothans have become completely self-sufficient and are buying cow dung with their own money.

Other states of the country are also getting affected by the success of Godhan Nyaya Yojana

Success of Godhan Nyaya Yojana other states are also getting affected

Raipur, 20 November 2022,  Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel today transferred a total amount of Rs. 7 crore 14 lakh online to the beneficiaries as the 56th installment in the program organized under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana at his residence office in the capital. This includes Rs 4.55 crore as dividend to cow dung vendors, Rs 1.17 crore to Gauthan committees and Rs 1.42 crore to self-help groups.

गोधन न्याय योजना की सफलता Chief Minister Mr. Baghel, while distributing funds under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, expressed happiness that out of 9 thousand Gothans operated under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana in the state, more than 4 thousand Gothans have become completely self-sufficient, which is self-sufficient. This is a remarkable and an important result of the scheme.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel, while addressing cow-rearing farmers and cow-dung sellers and self-help groups, further said that under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana run by the state government, the number of cow-dung purchases is continuously increasing in the state. A large number of beneficiaries have started benefiting from this and they are moving fast towards self-reliance. Along with this, the economy of the villages has started getting strengthened. These figures and results clearly show the success of Godhan Nyay Yojana. The discussion of which is now happening all over the country and seeing its result, other states are also eager to adopt the Godhan Nyaya Yojana. No one had ever thought that money can be earned even from cow dung, but the state government in Chhattisgarh has proved it by implementing the Godhan Nyaya Yojana.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel further encouraged the cow rearing farmers to make maximum donations. He said that the donation you will make in the Gauthan of your village will make better arrangements for fodder for the animals of the village. Along with this, organic fertilizers can also be made. The whole village will be benefited by donating para and this will keep the environment of the village clean and pure. I am happy that the farmers of Chhattisgarh have also become aware of Paradan. During the last 4 years, the farmers of our state have presented many examples in the field of agriculture in the country. Certainly, he will set a new example regarding the Paradan campaign as well.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that in the meeting-meeting program, I keep having face-to-face talks with you people regarding agriculture. I love seeing your enthusiasm. Paddy crop has been good in Chhattisgarh this year also. Presently the work of paddy procurement is also going on in full swing. In order to avoid any inconvenience to the farmers, the paddy procurement system has been streamlined. So far, 8 lakh 67 thousand metric tonnes of paddy has been procured in the current paddy procurement season. In lieu of paddy, about 01 thousand 800 crore rupees have also been paid to the farmers under the bank linking system. A target has been set to procure 110 lakh metric tonnes of paddy in the state this year. Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Minister Shri Ravindra Choubey also addressed the program.अन्य राज्य भी हो रहे प्रभावित

It is worth noting that under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana in the state, along with the Government of Chhattisgarh, the self-supporting Gauthans have also started playing an equal role in purchasing cow dung from the farmers. On an average, cow dung worth Rs 4 to 5 crore is being procured every fortnight in the Gothans, out of which cow dung worth Rs 2 to 2.5 crore is being procured by self-supporting Gothans with their own funds. For the past few fortnights, the situation has become such that the government is paying less than 50 percent of the amount of cow dung being procured under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana. 4010 Gauthans have become completely self-supporting in the state. These Gauthan committees have a capital deposit of Rs 103 crore. Gauthan committees have so far purchased cow dung worth Rs 26.73 crore from their own funds.

Under the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, Rs 179.28 crore has been paid to cow dung sellers and cattle rearers in lieu of purchase of cow dung. After the payment of Rs 4.55 crore on November 20, this figure will be Rs 183.83 crore. Similarly, an amount of Rs 164.24 crore has been paid as dividend to Gauthan committees and women’s groups. After the payment of Rs 2.59 crore on November 20, this amount will increase to Rs 166.84 crore. It is noteworthy here that after the sale of vermicompost to women self-help groups, a special bonus of Rs 18 crore was paid by the government. 10 thousand 448 Gothans have been approved in the state, out of which 9 thousand 36 Gothans are constructed and operated. Cow dung is being procured from registered vendors and cattle herders at the rate of Rs. 2 per kg in Gauthans. 3 lakh 2 thousand 118 villagers, cattle herders and landless are being benefitted by this, in which the number of landless is 1 lakh 66 thousand 279. 46.13 percent of the beneficiaries are women. In different categories, 49.03 percent of Other Backward Classes, 39.56 percent of Scheduled Tribes, 8.10 percent of Scheduled Castes are benefited.

Chief Minister on this occasion