Raipur: Godhan Nyay Yojana: Rural economy is getting stronger due to the creation of multi-activity centers of Gauthans

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Raipur, 05 October 2021.  Under Godhan Nyay Yojana, Gauthans have been developed across the state, the benefits of which are directly or indirectly benefiting the villages here. To strengthen the rural economy, Gauthans are being developed as multi-activity centers by linking the available resources with economic activities, so that more and more women of self-help groups can get their economic development by providing livelihood. In Gauthans, where women of the group are getting regular employment through the sale and purchase of cow dung, at the same time they are becoming self-sufficient by getting good income.

Women of self-help groups associated with Gothan of Ginabahar Gram Panchayat under Kunkuri block of Jashpur district of the state are marching on the path of self-reliance with their hard work and will. Women manufacture organic manure, super compost, both leaves, vegetable production, fish farming, candles, in cowsheds. It is conducting other economic activities including detergent manufacturing. Under which the women of Durga group associated with Gothan are doing the work of producing manure as well as vegetable production. So far more than 25 quintals of organic manure has been sold by them. Similarly, the women of Jagriti group doing candle making work have got an income of more than 10 thousand. The women of Jasmine group manufacturing detergent have got 8900 and the women of Gulab group doing the work of producing Dona leaves have got an income of 12000. Along with this, fish farming work has also been done this year by the women of Ekta group in Dabri under Gauthan area. Apart from this, the women of the group are expected to earn good income.
Apart from this, sowing of other crops including Napier grass, maize, etc. has also been done by developing pasture for the availability of green fodder for the animals coming to Gauthan. Women from all these groups are giving their full contribution in developing Gauthan as a multi-activity centre. The district administration is making continuous efforts to make women self-reliant. Along with connecting women with activities, they have also been provided necessary training. The women of the group are excited by the benefits they are getting from their income oriented activities, they are also becoming financially strong. It is also engaged in expanding its livelihood promotion activities in future and making Gothan an ideal multiactivity centre.