Raipur: Farmer Satyam’s farm will be green throughout the year: Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme doubles happiness

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Raipur, 21 December 2020.  The Chhattisgarh government is providing irrigation facility to the farmers’ fields. Under the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, wells are allowed to be dug in farmers’ fields. Shri Chapa Satyam, a farmer of village Eelmidi under Usur block of Bijapur district, had land but due to lack of irrigation, he used to work with his family in Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and seek employment here and there. One day Chapa Satyam came to know in the meeting of the Gram Panchayat that the well is also approved by the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA scheme. In consultation with his family, he submitted the necessary documents related to the well construction in the Gram Panchayat. Soon approval was also received from the District Panchayat. As soon as this information was received by Mr. Chapa Satyam, his happiness did not remain. He started the construction of a well in his private land. Digging a well digging only 20 feet Water also came out. Satyam’s family also became very happy after seeing the water, as the means of irrigation for the fields started to appear. Chapa Satyam completed the construction of the well within 13 months to realize his dream.

The biggest problem of Satyam was now solved, now he wanted to earn extra income by planting crops on this land. For this, Satyam decided to grow vegetables in his one acre land. In no time, Satyam sowed potatoes, cabbage, brinjals, gourd, tomatoes, peas and spinach and Lalbhaji. Satyam is getting regular income from vegetables and vegetables due to irrigation. Vegetable and other crops are being produced and sold in both Rabi and Kharif seasons on this land through Satyam. Due to which, earning of 10 to 20 thousand rupees per month. Satyam Mahatma Gandhi is earning regular income with the help of NREGA wells. Satyam said that our income has increased due to construction of wells under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA scheme and we are living happily with our family.