Raipur: Emphasis on establishment of livelihood in Gothan: Advisor to Chief Minister took stock of Gothan

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    Raipur, 26 October 2020. Adviser to the Chief Minister Shri Pradeep Sharma visited various Gothans of Kota development block in Bilaspur district today. He took stock of the implementation of the Godhan Nyaya Yojana and discussed in detail about the promotion of economic activities and establishment of livelihoods in Gothan. During this time, Collector Dr. Saransh Mittar was also present with him.
    Advisor Mr. Sharma arrived at Scheduled Tribe-dominated Gram Panchayat Mohda and Gothan in Kanchanpur. Saw the implementation of the Godhan Nyaya Yojana in the Gothan of village Mohda. Here Vermi compost compost is being constructed in 15 Vermi tanks and 5 Nadef tanks by women of Pragati Self Help Group. So far, he has made 31 quintals of vermicompost, of which 20 quintals of compost has also been sold to the forest department. 5 tanks have also been built to provide ajola feed to the animals. Mr. Sharma held discussions with women and shepherds of the self-help group. He emphasized the measures to keep the cow dung brought by the villagers in Gothan in a safe manner. In this plantation of Vananchal, the possibilities of small forest produce, hara, bahera and seed processing were also discussed with the Forest Officer. He said that efforts should be made in Gothan for bio-diversity.
    Saw the production of vermicompost from cow dung in Gauthan of village Kanchanpur and tested its quality. So far, 55 quintal of compost has been prepared in 15 Vermi tanks and 5 Nadep tanks. Three women self-help groups are active in Gowthan, which is producing compost as well as vegetable production in Gauthan’s Bari. Mr. Sharma visited the pasture and fences made in Gothan. Discussed with women self-help groups and inquired about their problems. He told the women to put fence in their houses too. For vegetable production, use only the manure of Gowthan so that the villagers also get inspiration to do so. During interaction with the shepherds, it was found that each shepherd gets about 30 kg of cow dung daily from Gowthan. The average monthly income of a shepherd here is 18 thousand rupees. Shri Sharma asked the shepherds to serve the cows diligently as they are getting livelihood from them.
    During this visit, Chief Executive Officer of District Panchayat Mr. Gajendra Singh Thakur, DFO Mr. Kumar Nishant, APO of District Panchayat Mr. Riman Singh along with District CEO, Horticulture, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Department officials were also with him.