Raipur: Education Minister Dr Premasai Singh Tekam did surprise inspection as soon as school opens

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Instructions to pay special attention to sanitation and sanitation

Raipur, 15 February 2021.  Minister of School Education, Dr. Premasay Singh Tekam, during his stay in Korba district, today made a surprise inspection of the Government High School of Madanpur (Rajakamma) in development block Pali. He reached the school and discussed with the children about their studies and preparation for the examination. Dr. Tekam also took information from the teachers regarding following the instructions of Corona, arranging children’s meeting in the school.
Significantly, educational institutions were closed since March 2020 for the purpose of prevention of corona infection. As per the instructions of the government, schools from class 9th to 12th have been resumed from today on February 15. On this occasion, Minister Dr. Tekam also inquired from the students about the system of online and offline study-teaching during the period of lockdown and school closure. He said that now very little time is left for the examination. Used this time properly and taught the children to study whole-heartedly. During the inspection, he instructed the teachers to plan and take classes regularly to complete the entire syllabus.
Education Minister Dr. Tekam instructed the school management to periodically sanitize classrooms as well as to take special care of children’s health, hygiene, social distancing etc. and strictly follow the instructions issued by the government for prevention of corona infection gave instructions.