Raipur, 23 May 2021. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, in the virtual program of Pratibha Samman ceremony held at his residence office here today, 159 meritorious students and specials, who have secured a place in the merit list in the 10th and 12th board exams of the Secondary Education Board in the year 2019 and the year 2020. Honored by awarding medals and citation to the talented students of backward tribes under Swami Atmanand Meritorious Students Promotion Scheme. He congratulated and congratulated all the talented students including their parents and teachers. Under Swami Atmanand Meritorious Student Incentive Scheme, an amount of Rs. 1.50 lakh is given to the students who get a place in the merit list.
Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel said that this moment of Pratibha Samman ceremony is very proud. He said that life goals can be achieved only through education. This gives positive direction to life. The Chief Minister said that all of you are the future of the country and the state. He called upon talented students to establish new dimensions of development in all fields including knowledge-science, art, culture, administration. During this period, the Chief Minister also inquired from all the students about their family background and their life goals.
The Chief Minister said that the State Government is providing all possible help to the talented students for better and higher education and this help will continue further. The Chief Minister appealed to them to study diligently and to brighten the name of parents and Chhattisgarh by achieving success. He said that he was happy to talk to all of you. He taught the children to study as well as satsang with good people and adopt the best ethics.
School Education Minister Dr. Premasai Singh Tekam congratulated and congratulated the talented students who got a place in the merit list. He hoped that talented students will contribute to the development and social upliftment of the state. The Education Minister said that 28 students of special backward tribes of the state who have earned the highest marks in the board examination in the special backward tribe category are also being honored under the Swami Atmanand Meritorious Student Incentive Scheme. Secretary of the Board of Secondary Education Prof. Whey K. Goyal told that under the year 2019 and the year 2020, the merit list of high school and higher secondary, totaling 125 meritorious students, 15 students who have secured the first position in the faculty-wise state and 28 who have scored the highest marks in the special backward tribe category. 159 meritorious students have been awarded medals and citations under the scheme. On this occasion, Additional Chief Secretary Mr. Subrata Sahu, Principal Secretary School Education Dr. Alok Shukla, Director Public Education Shri Jitendra Shukla was present. All the district collectors, members of education board, district education officers and students who have secured merit in the merit list, participated in the program through video conferencing. Director Public Education Shri Jitendra Shukla was present. All the district collectors, members of education board, district education officers and students who have got a place in the merit list, participated in the program through video conferencing. Director Public Education Shri Jitendra Shukla was present. All the district collectors, members of education board, district education officers and students who have secured merit in the merit list, participated in the program through video conferencing.