Raipur: Dormitories for laborers to be opened in districts with more factories

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Instructions to register workers and take action on unregistered factories as per rules

Raipur, 26 December 2020.  Important decisions were taken at the Labor Welfare Board meeting held today. Labor Welfare Board President Shafi Ahmed reviewed the works of the Board. For the facilities of the workers, he will instruct to build labor buildings in all the districts and labor doormatories in the more factories. Dal Dal and sewing centers will be opened in Surajpur.
In the review meeting of the Labor Welfare Board, the Chairman Shri Ahmed expressed displeasure over the slow pace of contribution collection and district-wise information about registration of factories and workers was not satisfactory. Mr. Ahmad has warned labor welfare inspectors to take strict action if information is not required till January 10. Mr. Ahmed told that till now the Labor Welfare Board did not have its own building. In the budget, provision of one crore 30 lakh has been made for the main office building of Raipur and 10 crore for labor building in all the districts and dormitories in the districts with higher labor strength. He informed that the labor welfare inspectors should inspect all the factories to speed up the collection of contributions, Instructions have been given to register the actual number of workers and to take action on unregistered factories as per rules. In the meantime, random checks will be made by making an inquiry committee to check the progress of work and action will be taken to separate careless inspectors from service. He informed that a proposal has been sent to the state government for the sub-office of the Labor Welfare Board at all the divisional headquarters. Soon after meeting with the workers in the labor settlements, information will be given about the schemes and their problems will be resolved. Suggestions will also be taken as well. Shri Shafi Ahmed informed that the program is being prepared. All the staff officers of Labor Welfare Board including Labor Welfare Inspectors were present in the meeting. The meeting will be informed about the schemes and their problems will be resolved. Suggestions will also be taken as well. Shri Shafi Ahmed informed that the program is being prepared. All the staff officers of Labor Welfare Board including Labor Welfare Inspectors were present in the meeting. The meeting will be informed about the schemes and their problems will be resolved. Suggestions will also be taken as well. Shri Shafi Ahmed informed that the program is being prepared. All the staff officers of Labor Welfare Board including Labor Welfare Inspectors were present in the meeting.