Raipur: Do not make false statements in the commission, there is unnecessary delay in justice- Dr. Nayak: for maintenance, husband and wife are ready to pay Rs. 50,000 per month.

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Playing with the feelings of women is a serious crime

Widow woman drowned in love trap, in debt of one crore

Raipur , 07 January 2021. In a case presented today, expressing serious displeasure over the absence of the non-applicant, the Superintendent of Police of the district concerned directed him to appear before the commission. Do not consider women vulnerable , committing any kind of fraud by them is a crime. It is alleged that by messing with their feelings, the entire property has been grabbed by them and due to this, the woman has incurred debts of nearly one crore. The President of the Commission has alerted the women to the false trap of love. Do not get trapped and lose your financial freedom. Similarly, youth should maintain their self-control. Work carefully keeping in mind the exaggeration of time.

In another case, the husband agreed to give the wife fifty thousand rupees per month for maintenance. After a few months, the children agreed to buy a flat worth 40-50 lakh by the husband. The commission has given the couple time for a hearing in the coming May. On the advice of the Commission, fathers will be able to talk to their children on telephone as well as meet them at their convenience.

In another case of today, the Chairman of the Commission said that there is a facility to do justice on submission of sufficient documents. The applicant and the non-investigator should present complete information regarding the case , so that there is no unnecessary delay in justice. Similarly, in another episode, he said that for the successful discharge of family life, there should be harmony in the relationship between husband and wife. In case of any rift, it is the moral responsibility of the husband to pay attention to the complete maintenance of the wife and children. Similarly, it is a crime to have a second marriage without a statutory divorce. Do not make false statements before the Commission , such false statements will be taken with strict action. In this case, Anavedka agreed to arrange for the accommodation of the applicant and the school fees of the children.

Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak, Chairperson of Chhattisgarh State Women’s Commission, today held a public hearing in the Commission Room on the applications made by women from various districts. The cases presented today were related to physical abuse , mental torture , dowry harassment , property disputes etc. During the hearing, proceedings were initiated using social distancing and physical distancing and sanitizer.