Raipur: Divisional level residential yoga training camp to be organized from April 24

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Trainees will also learn stress management along with Ashtanga Yoga

Chhattisgarh Yoga Commission conducts seven-day training to introduce citizens to yoga

Raipur, 22 April 2023

A seven-day divisional level residential yoga training camp is being organized by the Chhattisgarh Yoga Commission from April 24 to 30 with the aim of making citizens familiar with yoga and taking the benefits of yoga to the masses. In the first phase of the camp, the training program of Raipur division is being organized from 24 to 30 April 2023 at ‘Yog Bhawan’ Working Women’s Hostel, BIP Road Raipur. About 200 female and male participants will participate in the camp.

The introduction and importance of yoga will be discussed on April 24, the first day of the seven-day training camp. Along with this, Yoga experts will give lectures on Ashtanga Yoga and Yoga Philosophy. On 25th April Ashtanga Yoga (Rules), Yoga in Global Perspective, Theoretical Interpretation of Shathkarma, Physical and Mental Emotional Energy Transformation with Pragya Yoga will be explained. On April 26, there will be lectures on Hasya Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga (Asanas), Naturopathy, Yoga for adolescent girls.

In the training camp on April 27, the trainees will be told about Ashtanga Yoga (Pranayama), spiritual empowerment, treatment of various people by acupressure in emergency, Surya Namaskar and its importance, yoga and value education. On April 28, subject experts will tell about Ashtanga Yoga (Pratyahara, Dharana), Yoga and stress management, prevention of alcoholism and drugs along with yoga and value education. On April 29, the trainees will be told about Ashtanga Yoga (meditation, samadhi), role of yoga during delivery, art of living life in Ashtanga Yoga, Isa Yoga. Along with this, on April 30, the last day of the training, information will be given about the effect of yoga on diseases and stress management, special yoga exercises for pregnant women. There will also be a motivational video demonstration.