Raipur: Discussion held regarding awareness on sexual harassment of women at workplace

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Raipur, 10 December 2021. Regarding sexual harassment of women at workplace, a meeting of the Internal Complaints Committee was held today at Directorate of Public Relations, Indravati Bhawan, Nava Raipur. Giving information about the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, the Chairperson of the committee, Mrs. Harsha Puranic said that sexual harassment includes showing pornography, making comments, undesirable physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. also includes. A laborer or other private female employee employed in office work can also make a complaint of sexual harassment to the Internal Complaints Committee.
 Smt. Puranic told that all such offices where there are minimum 10 employees, Internal Complaints Committee should be formed. It is not necessary that there should be 10 women in the office for the constitution of the Complaints Committee. He talked about setting up a board outside the Directorate regarding the information of the Complaints Committee so that the provisions of the Act can be known to all the women. Member of Internal Complaints Committee and senior women journalist Ms. Shagufta Sharin said that there is a need to create awareness among women regarding the provisions of sexual harassment. Women should put their point of view in the committee without any shame and fear. The Committee complaint remains confidential. At the same time, he said that women have got rights for protection, they should avoid its misuse. In the meeting, the members of the committee, Assistant Director Mrs. Tauqir Zahid, Assistant Public Relations Officer Ms. Reenu Thakur, Assistant Information Officer Mrs. Varsha Singh,