Raipur: Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Sao and Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal prayed for the happiness and prosperity of the state by worshiping Mata Bahadur Kalarin.

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Raipur. 14 February 2024

Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Sao and Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, who reached village Sorar in Balod district today to participate in the Kalar Mahotsav, worshiped Mata Bahadur Kalarin with full rituals in the temple of Mata Bahadur Kalarin, ensuring the happiness of the state and its people. Wished for prosperity and happiness. Many local public representatives including MLA Mrs. Sangeeta Sinha and Mr. Yogeshwar Raju Sinha were also present during this period.