Raipur: Dedication of ‘Krishna Kunj’ on Krishna Janmashtami in all the urban bodies of Chhattisgarh

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According to the announcement of the Chief Minister, ‘Krishna Kunj’ is being developed in all the urban bodies.

Plantation of plants of cultural importance in ‘Krishna Kunj’

Raipur, 8 August 2022

To develop ‘Krishna Kunj’ by planting trees in the urban areas of Chhattisgarh, ‘Krishna Kunj’ will be inaugurated simultaneously on Krishna Janmashtami. It is worth mentioning that Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has made an announcement regarding the development of ‘Krishna Kunj’ by planting trees in the urban areas of the state.
In this context, by sending letters to all the collectors and forest divisional officers, necessary instructions have been given regarding all the necessary preparations for the inauguration of ‘Krishna Kunj’ in the urban bodies in the month of August. It has also been directed that necessary action including approval for the establishment of ‘Krishna Kunj’ should be completed by the first week of August in any condition. It has been informed in the letter that in order to show the uniformity in the state, the design of the people and the gate will be sent separately by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and the Head Office of the Forest Force to give a unique identity to ‘Krishna Kunj’. In these, necessary action has also been directed to display the local culture in the boundary wall based on the budget availability including fencing.
In relation to the development of ‘Krishna Kunj’, it has been announced by Chief Minister Shri Baghel that the tradition of worshiping Banyan, Peepal, Kadamba and other trees is very ancient in our country. Due to the immense utility of trees for humans, they have been given an important place in our traditions, but due to the rapid development of urban areas in the past years, the existence of trees has been endangered due to indiscriminate felling of trees. If this situation continues, then perhaps the future generations will not even be aware of the traditional importance of these trees. Therefore, it is the utmost duty of all of us to preserve the priceless heritage of trees. It is very necessary that all the trees which are useful for human beings, they should be planted and protected on a large scale in all the urban areas.
In all the urban bodies of Chhattisgarh, ‘Krishna Kunj’ will be developed by planting life useful trees of cultural importance in the land of minimum one acre. These include mango, tamarind, Ganga tamarind, jamun, plum, ganga ber, mulberry, tendu, char, pomegranate, sycamore, katha, kadamba, peepal, neem, banyan, acacia, palash, guava, cilantro, bel and amla species for planting. has been included. It has also been directed that all the saplings should reach the selected planting areas and the planting work should be completed at the earliest on the basis of rainfall. Along with this, all the proceedings should be completed immediately after developing the land allotted to the Forest Department for ‘Krishna Kunj’ so that on the next day of Krishna Janmashtami, the plantation of trees in ‘Krishna Kunj’ can be started duly in the entire state.