Raipur: Contemporary advice to farmers for protection of crops: information given about prevention of pests and diseases

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 Raipur, 07 October 2020. Farmers have been given necessary advice by the Agriculture Department for the safety of Kharif crops and prevention of pest diseases in the state.
    According to information received from the Agriculture Department, the paddy crop is in flowering stage. If 50% flowering has been done in them, then spray the third installment of Nitrogen. An increase in the number and weight of paddy grains has been observed by applying top dressing at 25% of the recommended quantity of potash. Farmers are advised that they consume 50 percent of the total water requirement of paddy from the state till the time of milk filling. Therefore, in the event of flowering and filling of milk in the grain, lack of water causes maximum loss in yield. Therefore, it is advisable to the farmers that 5 cm in the field. Fill with water.
    Agricultural scientists have advised that after seeing adult of yellow stem borer on paddy crop, inspect the crop, collect the egg group of stem borer, destroy and remove the dead heart (dry leaf). Fipronil 5 s.c. if a butterfly-moth of the stem borer per square meter. Spray at the rate of one liter per hectare. Farmers should constantly monitor their fields and spray pesticide medicine if the weather is clear and there is no rain.
    At some places, an outbreak of Mahon pest has started, constantly monitor the paddy crop and when the number of pests is 10-15 per plant, the initial buprophazine is 800 ml. Spray at the rate of per hectare. After 15 days, if the pest infestation is seen to increase, then dinofofuran should be prepared in 200 liters per hectare solution in 500 liters of water and spray it on the base parts of the crop during the period. The use of synthetic pyrethroid class insecticides such as cypermethrin and deltamethyrin may increase the outbreak of mahoo, so do not use them under mahoo control. Farmers brothers should constantly monitor their fields. Spraying of pesticide medicine if the weather is clear and there is no rain.
    At some places, there has been an outbreak of penile mite in the paddy, which can be identified by looking at the ponché and colorless rash and brownness on the stem. To treat this, propiconazole should be sprayed at the rate of 500 liters solution per hectare after mixing 2 ml $ profenofas in 2 ml per liter of water. Farmers brothers should constantly monitor their fields. Spraying of pesticides is advised when the weather is clear and there is no rain.
    The officials of the Agriculture Department have advised that in the early stage of the disease in the paddy crop, light purple color spots are seen on the lower leaf, which gradually increases the eye / boat goods to widen in the middle and in the sides. The color between the spots is light brown. To control this, spraying of Tebuconazole 750 ml per hectare in 500 liters of water. Night temperatures are expected to be 24 degrees Celsius and humidity 85 percent in the coming days. Hence there is a possibility of outbreak of scorching disease. Farmers should continuously monitor the fields and take the above preventive measures on sight.
    In the paddy field, if there are large spots of beige color on the stems of the plants above the surface of the water and this spot is surrounded by a purple colored edge, which is called sheath blight disease. Spraying hexaconazole, fungicide (1 ml / l. Water) on the diseased parts when this disease occurs. If necessary, this spraying can be repeated after 12-15 days. The temperature is likely to be 32 degrees Celsius and humidity 85 percent in the coming days. Therefore, there is a possibility of outbreak of sheath blight disease. Farmers should continuously monitor the fields and if symptoms appear, take the above preventive measures.