Raipur. CM Bhupesh Baghel has made a befitting attack on ED and BJP. CM Bhupesh tweeted and said, I had already said that, as soon as the elections come, ED-IT will create new conspiracies by staying permanently in Chhattisgarh. The policy of selling liquor through liquor corporation was made during the BJP regime. In 2017-18, ₹ 3900 crore was received from excise. It increased to ₹6000 crore during our reign.Raipur. CM Bhupesh Baghel has made a befitting attack on ED and BJP. CM Bhupesh tweeted and said, I had already said that, as soon as the elections come, ED-IT will create new conspiracies by staying permanently in Chhattisgarh. The policy of selling liquor through liquor corporation was made during the BJP regime. In 2017-18, ₹ 3900 crore was received from excise. It increased to ₹6000 crore during our reign.