Raipur: Clothes masks are also effective in preventing corona virus

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Raipur 7 October 2020

Everyone is asked to apply masks to escape the corona. But there is confusion among people that masks made of cloth do not help to protect against virus. While many scientific researches have revealed that wearing masks made of cloth also provides protection from the virus. Even if infection occurs, it remains at low intensity or low viral load or without symptoms. This was revealed in a study conducted in July at the University of California at San Francisco. Also a distance of 1 meter is also necessary.
      Wearing a mask correctly is as important as wearing it. There is a belief among people that talking while wearing a mask does not make the voice heard clearly. While this is not the case. It is only a mantle barrier. Wearing a mask, speaking just a little higher, we can also avoid the virus and protect others from infection. The infection comes from the mask hanging in the neck and then wearing it back to the inside surface of the mask and pulling it back up to the nose, the virus goes inside.
     Scientists also say that closed spaces should be avoided in groups in closed rooms. Instead, activities should be done in an open space. By keeping the infected person in a closed place, the chances of infection increase and the virus remains in the environment even after he leaves that place.