Raipur : Chief Minister speaks to people to understand their state during lockdown

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No one in rural areas should have to remain hungry : State Government is standing strong with people, ready to provide every possible assistance

Raipur, 31 March 2020.  Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel today spoke to people of various sections of society and personally asked them about their grievances and problems due to lockdown. Chief Minister called them from his residence phone. He said that State Government is making consistent efforts to support people in every possible manner. Chief Minister spoke to farmers, labourers, nurses, villagers, sanitation workers, vegetable vendors, aanganbadi workers and women sarpanch of various districts of the state.
Ration being delivered at doorstep of people in Jujgu Gram Panchayat
Chief Minister asked women Sarpanch of Jujgu Gram Panchayat in Jashpur district Mrs. Kunti Banwasi if the distribution of ration from fair price shops has started in the gram panchayat. Mrs. Kunti informed that the distribution of two-month ration stock has already started. It is being delivered at the doorstep of beneficiaries. Chief Minister lauded her efforts and asked her to be cautious during distribution to avoid crowding. Chief Minister also enquired about the distribution of nutritious meals to children enrolled in aanganbadis and midday meals to children enrolled in schools. Chief Minister directed the Sarpanch to ensure that no one has to sleep hungry in the village. Mrs. Kunti informed that there are three people in village, who could not get their ration cards issued. Chief Minister gave instructions to provide two quintal rice that is stored in Gram Panchayat to such people. He further added that in case the stock of rice is over, officials can be contacted for sanction of additional consignment of rice.  Mr. Baghel asked her to be particular about cleaning works in the villages. In case, corona infection is reported in any village, concerned senior officials should be immediately informed. Mr. Baghel also took information about farming work and status of milk production. Mrs. Kunti invited Chief Minister to Gram Panchayat Jujgu.
Mechanic Ashok of Bhilai received phone call from Chief Minister
*Government stands with public in this time of crisis, every possible step will be taken to save people from inconvenience, says Chief Minister’
Feeling reassured after talking to Chief Minister, says Ashok
Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel today called Mr. Ashok Katane, who runs a cycle and puncture repair shop in Bhilai-3. Chief Minister told Ashok that in this time of crisis, he is personally calling on phone people of various sections of society to enquire about their well-being. Under current circumstances, government is taking every possible step to help people overcome this crisis. Chief Minister said that he is speaking to people directly to get to know about what kind of benefits they are receiving from aforementioned steps.
Mr. Ashok told Chief Minister that soon after declaration of lockdown, municipal officers met him and asked him to stay at home and inform if he has shortage of food. Municipal corporation is making arrangements and also taking support of NGOs to ensure necessary aid to the people in need. Ashok told Chief Minister that State Government has allotted rice stock of two months from fair price shops, which he would collect tomorrow. Ashok further told that Administration is providing support through NGOs as well and ensuring distribution of ration and lunch packets. Everyone is assured that with such commendable arrangements, lockdown will cause any problems. Chief Minister said that Government will provide every possible support. He added that he is speaking to people personally on call to console and assure people. Ashok said that he felt happy and reassured after receiving call from Head of the State.

Chief Minister spoke to Churi Tikra aanganbadi worker of Dantewada
* Took information about nutritious meal distribution*
Aanganbadi workers delivering nutritious food at the doorstep of beneficiaries and creating awareness about prevention of corona virus
Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel today called Mrs. Sheela Devi aanganbadi worker of Churi Tikra in Dantewada district, to enquire about the children of aanganbadi. Mrs. Sheela was happy to receive call from Chief Minister. Chief Minister asked her about distribution of food to children, while aanganbadi centers are closed Mrs. Sheela informed that they are going door-to-door to deliver nutritious meal to children. Nutrition level of children is satisfactory.
Mr. Baghel also asked her about duties of aanganbadi workers. Mrs. Sheela informed that they are educating people on measures to be taken to prevent corona infection, which includes handwashing, maintaining physical distance upto 3 fts. Chief Minister appreciated their efforts, saying that prevention is better than cure. Mr. Baghel advised Mrs. Sheela to be safe and be cautious of her family’s safety as well, alongside of her duties. Chief Minister asked Sheela about the works people of the village are engaging in these days. Mrs. Sheela told that people stay at home and come out only when necessary.

Chief Minister calls Labourer Yusuf Khan on his mobile phone
Mr. Baghel asked him about the arrangements of food and shelter for labourers of various states in Bilaspur
Labourer Mr. Khan thanked Chief Minister for all the arrangements
Chief Minister today called labourer Mr. Yusuf Khan, who is currently staying at Triveni Bhavan of Bilaspur. Chief Minister asked Yusuf Khan about the food, water, accommodation and other facilities. Mr. Yusuf Khan informed that District Administration and Municipal Corporation has made all the arrangement and there is no problem as such. They are provided breakfast, lunch, dinner along with evening tea. Medical facilities are also provided as per the requirement. Yusuf Khan expressed his desire to go to his village, in response to which Chief Minister assured him that after the lockdown period is over, arrangements would be made to send him to his village. Yusuf Khan Thanked Chief Minister for the arrangements made in Chhattisgarh for labourers like him.
Mr. Yusuf Khan is from West Bengal. He is a construction worker. He had gone to Kerala for work. But when he was on the way back to West Bengal, he got stranded in Bilaspur station as no trains were available for further journey because of the nation-wide lockdown declared. On instructions of Chief Minister, Bilaspur District Administration has made arrangements for labourers at Triveni Bhavan in Vyapar Vihaar area of Bilaspur. There, 50 labourers from West Bengal, Seven from Assam, three from Bihar, one from Jharkhan and 1 from Uttar Pradesh and two labourers from Madhya Pradesh are staying.

Chief Minister talked to vegetable seller of Korba on phone
People should get vegetables at fair price in this time of crisis
With better supply of vegetables, prices have dropped
Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel spoke to vegetable sellor of Korba on phone call, and enquired about the prices at which vegetables are being sold in the market and the price at which vegetables are being procured from farmers. Mr. Baghel call Mr. Gorelal Chandra, vegetable seller, from his residence and asked him whether the farmers are getting fair prices of their vegetables or not. He also asked if the rates of vegetables have been hiked inappropriately in the market. Mr. Gorelal informed Chief Minister that farmers are receiving fair price of their crops. During the initial period of lockdown, rates of vegetables were hiked, but as soon as the transportation of vegetables from rural areas began, the prices have dropped to normal. There has been nominal increase in price of Rs 2-4. Mr. Baghel told him that people should get vegetables at right prices during this time of crisis. He also directed him to ensure that people do not crowd near shops, and rather maintain physical distance of atleast one metre.
Chief Minister asks farmers about his well-being
Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel called farmers and asked them about the problems they are facing during lockdown. He spoke to Farmer Mr. Nikhil Thawait of Khokhra village of Janjgir Champa on phone and asked him about the status of farming in his village. Mr. Thawait informed that they have discontinued farming work after lockdown. They have cultivated vegetables in their farms. Chief Minister asked him if he is facing any problem in selling the vegetables, to which Mr. Thawait responded saying no. He told that with the help of few labourers, he manages to do vegetable farming, while practicing physical distance. Chief Minister told him to be patient during this time and assured that Government is taking all kinds of steps to support them.
Chief Minister talks to ANM on call, enquires about corona public awareness
Chief Minister today spoke to ANM of Gogaon primary health centre of Raipur district Mrs. Poonam Verma and took information about the preventive measures taken and arrangements made in hospitals in the wake of corona virus pandemic.
Mr. Bhupesh Baghel asked about the number of patients coming to hospital, public awareness about corona virus infection, safety measures taken for prevention of the infection etc. In response to which, Mrs. Verma told that daily about 30-40 patients come to hospital complaining of normal cold and fever. She told that patients are taking all the necessary preventive measures, right from wearing masks to practicing physical distancing. Chief Minister told Mrs. Verma that she is doing an extremely important work, hence her safety is equally important. Chief Minister told her to be safe and ensure safety of her family as well by following the guidelines. Mrs. Verma assured Chief Minister them she is practicing proper safety measures to ensure well-being of her and her family. Mr. Baghel congratulated Mrs. Verma for proper  hospital management, safety arrangements and public awareness drives.