Raipur: Chief Minister released ‘Man Ka Mausam’ poetry collection

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Raipur 21 November 2020. Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel released Shri Ravi Tiwari’s poetry collection ‘Mana Seasons’ at his residence office in the capital here this evening. Shri Ravi Tiwari, currently working as Vice President and Chief Executive (Coordinator) at Srisiment Limited, Raipur, told the Chief Minister that this is his first poetry collection. He himself composed these poems based on life experiences, which are now being shared with the wider readership in book form. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel congratulated and congratulated Mr. Ravi Tiwari on the publication of his first literary work. Dr. Jyoti Ravi Tiwari, Dr. Manjula Upadhyay, Dr. Snehlata Pathak, Dr. Devendra Pathak, Mr. Shirish Nalgondwar and Mr. Sahitya Upadhyay were present on the occasion.