Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel wrote a letter to Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi

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Urges to take initiative to make it a mass movement to promote the production and consumption of millet crops

Millet should be included in the grains distributed under the ‘National Food Security Act’

Millet crops should have 20 to 25 percent of the subsidized grains being given to the students of the mid-day meal program, nutritional food and ashram-hostels.

The central government should allow the state governments to collect millet crops at the minimum support price

The central government should make millets available to the states at a concessional rate for grain distribution and nutritional food program.

Raipur, 08 January 2023

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has written a letter to Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi urging him to take initiative to promote the production and consumption of millet crops and to make it a mass movement. In the letter, the Chief Minister said that 20 to 25 percent quantity of subsidized food grains being distributed under the ‘National Food Security Act’, mid-day meal program, nutrition food provided by the Women and Child Development Department and subsidized food grains being given to the students of ashram-hostels Decision regarding the inclusion of crops, collection of millet crops at the minimum support price by the Central Government to the State Governments and supply of millet to the State Governments at a subsidized rate for use in schemes related to grain distribution and nutritional food. called upon to make a decision.

The Chief Minister has written in the letter that on the initiative of the Government of India, the year 2023 has been declared as the ‘International Millet Year’ by the United Nations. Millet crops can play an important role in controlling anemia and malnutrition. Unfortunately, due to the lack of marketing system in the past years, there has been a decrease in the production of millet crops in the country.

Giving information about the measures to promote millet crops in Chhattisgarh, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel has written in the letter that with the establishment of ‘Millet Mission’ to promote the production of millet crops in the state of Chhattisgarh, Kodo, Kutki produced in the state And by declaring the minimum support price of ragi, concrete arrangements have been made for their collection and marketing. An ‘input subsidy’ of Rs 9,000 per acre is also being given to these millet growers in the state. In no state of the country, so much assistance is being given to the producers of millet crops. Due to these reasons, the area and production of millet crops have increased more than two times in the state in the last two years.

The Chief Minister has written in the letter that in order to promote the production and consumption of millet crops and to make it a ‘people’s movement’, it would be appropriate to decide that food grains distributed under the ‘National Food Security Act’, mid-day meal programme, women 20 to 25 percent of millet crops should be in the nutritious food being given by the Child Development Department and the subsidized food grains being given to the students of ashram-hostels. If the central government decides to collect millet crops at the minimum support price to the state governments and supply them at a subsidized rate for use in the above schemes, then there will be an unprecedented increase in the production and consumption of millet crops. The Chief Minister has requested the Prime Minister to issue instructions to the concerned departments to take the above decision immediately.

Serial Number/ 6097