Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel was awarded doctorate degree by French University.

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The world-renowned Sorbonne University of Paris conferred the Doctorate degree for the specific initiative to advance the rural economy.

Chief Minister participated in the French program ‘Global Awards 2023’

Those who made Chhattisgarh stand up with their labor, this honor is given to all of them: Chief Minister

Former ISRO scientist Suresh Kumar said Scientific Chief Minister

Raipur, 29 April 2023

honorary doctorate

Chief Minister participated in the French program 'Global Awards 2023'

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel was awarded doctorate degree by the world-renowned Sorbonne University for his special initiative to advance Chhattisgarh’s rural economy with limited and utilization of local resources. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel today attended the ‘Global Awards 2023’ program of Sorbonne University of Paris, France, organized by Shri Aurobindo Foundation at Hotel Sayaji, capital Raipur. On this occasion, former ISRO scientist Suresh Kumar, Professor of Sorbonne University Dr. Vivek, Director of Sri Aurobindo Yoga and Knowledge Foundation Dr. Samarendra Ghosh, Dr. B.K. Founder, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Dr. Vinay Agarwal were also present. Mrs. Mukteshwari Baghel, wife of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel and her family members also participated in this program.  

Wife of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, Mrs. Mukteshwari Baghel and her family members also participated in this program.

Wife of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, Mrs. Mukteshwari Baghel and her family members also participated in this program.

Addressing the program, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that France’s prestigious Sorbonne University has appreciated the development programs of the Chhattisgarh government and has conferred honorary doctorate on me today, thank you very much for this. When I started working, I just wanted to keep doing good work. He went on working and found his way out. I have definitely got this title, but the contribution behind it is from my family members. It belongs to the public representatives, it belongs to the officers and employees. This honor is the honor of all the hardworking people of Chhattisgarh who made Chhattisgarh stand up with their labor.

The Chief Minister further said that today my family is also with me. The best thing is that my grandson is also with me. There is a book of Vinoba ji in my house. In it, he has written that there have been personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindra Nath, Ramakrishna Paramhans in India and their contribution is in making our Manisha. Is it possible to imagine fighting without weapons, Mahatma Gandhi made it come true. Recalling the contribution of Aurobindo, he said that when you work with a disinterested spirit, you will work without malice. Those who give priority to morality. They run away from money. Shri Maa said that moral people should not shy away from wealth. If they have money in their hands, they will use it meaningfully.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that Chhattisgarh is from a geographically prosperous state. We have forest. We have the largest number of drains after the Himalayas. We have enough mineral resources here. Battery vehicles are in demand all over the world and we have lithium here. According to the RBI survey, we have a large population below the poverty line. There is industry, yet there is poverty. We have 10 aspirational districts of the country, there are plants in Dantewada and Korba, yet there is poverty in these districts. In view of all this, there was a need to work towards a new solution. Effective use of these resources was necessary and we all made a policy for this. It is not possible to increase industries only, so we have decided to do development work while saving nature.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that we treated 13,000 drains but not even an inch of land was submerged, this is an innovation. Every drop was saved and the farmers didn’t even suffer. We did a detailed study of the land. Took 13 types of details. Water recharging worked. Stop dam was not built anywhere, nor worked in sandy soil, because it is of no use. The benefit of bringing the Narva scheme at the right place was that the water level increased from 7 cm to 70 cm. We have reserved 1.5 lakh hectare land for rural development through Gauthan. Linked livestock with Gothan. Fodder was arranged there. 2 years of Corona were difficult, yet Gothan got settled. The most benefited from the Godhan Nyay Yojana were those people who were below the poverty line. There was a definite arrangement for his income.

The Chief Minister said that we have made 50 thousand liters of cow dung paint by setting up 50 units. Painting is being done in government buildings only because of this. We are making electricity from cow dung in Jagdalpur. We are not emitting carbon, we are working to fight global warming. Whatever we have taken from nature, we are returning to nature, this is the message of our Vedas. One lakh 66 thousand women have got employment from our schemes which are related to rural development. Take the example of cashew, these people are taking advantage by processing it. Gave training for brooms in Abujhmad and for the last three years women from Chhattisgarh are supplying them in Delhi. Tikhur is a delicious forest produce here. Gives great fluidity. There was no plan to add value to its purchase, we did it. We are working for Millets, There are millet cafes across the state. More than 75 thousand tractors have been sold in 4 years. This is a sign of the strength of the farmers. Big changes can be done by following the path of Gandhi, Aurobindo. This is our way.

Suresh said that Chief Minister, you are not just the Chief Minister. You are the Scientific Chief Minister. It was great to hear your speech. Your address inspires us that with the right understanding and scientific consciousness about our environment, we can move forward a lot. Director of the institute, Dr. Samarendra Ghosh, who came from Sri Aurobindo Yoga and Knowledge Foundation, said that today the Chief Minister came to know that there is a small library in his house. It has books by thinkers like Vivekananda and Aurobindo. He is deeply interested in them. The Chief Minister has brought innovations like Narva for rural development which affect the lives of the people at the grassroots level. Explaining the concept of circular economy, he said that he is doing a good job by increasing the entrepreneurship of the local people and that too by using local resources.

It is noteworthy that Sorbonne University has a big place in the global educational scenario. The students who passed out from here have received 33 Nobel Prizes. This University has also praised Chief Minister Mr. Baghel for purchase of cow dung under Godhan Nyaya Yojana in Chhattisgarh and operation of Narva, Garwa, Ghurwa, Bari program under Suraji Gram Yojana. University researchers and professors are also preparing a research paper on the remarkable work done by the Chief Minister to take forward the development of rural economy, which will be published on the world famous research journal of the university.