Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the three-day Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival

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Raipur, 17 February 2023

Millet Carnival

Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival

Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the Chhattisgarh Millet Carnival by garlanding the photograph of Chhattisgarh Mahtari, lighting the lamp and singing the state song “Arpa Pari Ke Dhar”.

Carnival will be organized at Subhash Stadium from 17 to 19 February

The carnival is being organized under the joint aegis of Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Association and IIMR Hyderabad.

Forest and Climate Change Minister Mr. Mohammad Akbar, President of State Housing Board Mr. Kuldeep Juneja, Mayor Mr. Ejaz Dhebar are also present in the program

Carnival is being organized with the aim of including millet in the daily diet of the people and to create public awareness about its nutritional value.

Common citizens can enjoy delicious dishes of millet at the Millet Food Court at the

carnival Millet start-ups display their packaged millet products at the carnival

Street plays by educational institutions and cultural programs by local folk artists will be organized every evening in the carnival for public awareness.

Famous chefs of the country will also teach how to make new delicious dishes of millet.

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel’s speech at Millets Carnival begins
Millets were earlier considered food of the laborers,
the seeds of millets remain safe for 12 years. 

There are no insects in it,
today millets have become the food of the rich.

Because most of the sugar patients are in this category.

Millets are full of nutrients, sugar is least.
Today millets are being cultivated in 1 lakh 65 thousand hectares.

Earlier farming was done in 70 hectares

With the encouragement of the state government, production area increased by two to two and a half times,
 production, collection and processing of millets gave employment to people,
millets should be included in the mid-day meal. 

Chhattisgarh is the hub of millets.
For the first time in the country, the support price of Kodo, Kutki and Ragi was announced in Chhattisgarh. Due to this the enthusiasm of our farmers increased, 55 thousand quintals of millets were procured in the first year itself.
The market price of Kodo, Kutki and Ragi, which used to be Rs.12 to Rs.15 earlier, has increased to Rs.25 to Rs.28 today.
Farmers cultivating millets are getting the benefit of input subsidy under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana.
With the financial help of the state government, the country’s largest millet processing plant has been set up in the private sector at Nathia Navagaon in Kanker district.

Today millets are being cultivated in 1 lakh 65 thousand hectare.

Earlier farming was done in 70 thousand hectares.

With the encouragement of the state government, the production area increased by two to two and a half times.