Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the legal awareness training camp cum workshop organized by the Chhattisgarh State Women’s Commission with wreaths, lamp lighting and state song on the photograph of Chhattisgarh Mahtari.

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Raipur, 12 March 2023

Legal Awareness Training Camp cum Workshop

Legal Awareness Training Camp cum Workshop

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the legal awareness training camp-cum-workshop organized by the Chhattisgarh State Women’s Commission with wreaths, lamp lighting and state anthem on the photograph of Chhattisgarh Mahtari.

Women and Child Development Minister Smt. Anila Bhendia and Chairperson of Chhattisgarh State Commission for Women Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak and Chairperson of Chhattisgarh Child Protection Commission Smt. Tejkunwar Netam are also present on this occasion.

Legal Awareness Training Camp cum WorkshopLegal Awareness Training Camp cum Workshop

On this occasion, Chief Minister Mr. Baghel was welcomed with a state pot and a plant of Sita Ashoka which has medicinal importance.

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel said that the efficiency of the people who are discharging their duties on various subjects related to women will improve further through this workshop. Also, with better coordination and cooperation, the goals can be achieved more quickly.

The master trainers who will be prepared in this workshop will play an effective role in the prevention of crimes against women.

The workshop focuses on highly sensitive topics like Human Trafficking, Cyber ​​Crime and Sexual Harassment at work place.

Poverty, illiteracy, ignorance are behind the crimes happening today. The government is working economically and educationally to prevent human trafficking, due to the awareness of the police officers, there has been a big decline in human trafficking, but this is not enough, human trafficking should not happen at all.

Cyber ​​crime is also increasing, there are innocent people in our Chhattisgarh, so it is necessary to make them aware, our government is also working in this direction.

Economic independence is very important for women, so we effectively operated small schemes at the grassroots level.

– When everything was closed at the time of Corona crisis, there was a lock down, then with the help of women’s groups, we bought mahua and tamarind in Vananchals.

Bought 100 lakh crore quintal cow dung, in payment of which 200 lakh crore rupees reached people’s pockets.

To empower women, conducting income generating activities in Gauthans, loan at 3 percent interest rate and increased the limit from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 4 lakh. Rural industrial parks are being set up where arrangements for water, electricity, roads, sheds are being made so that people working traditionally get opportunities.

– Landless laborers of Nagar Panchayats will also be given financial assistance of Rs 7 thousand per year.

The constitution has made us empowered, the welfare schemes of the government are for us, it is necessary for everyone to know about their rights and responsibilities, therefore the Chief Minister Mahtari Nyay Rath is being operated by the State Women’s Commission.