Raipur: Chief Minister Mr. Baghel released the book ‘Ghagh aur Bhaduri’

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Raipur, 09 February 2021. Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel released the book published by Mr. Deepan Kumar Chakraborty at his residence office in the capital after compiling the proverbs of ‘Ghagh and Bhaduri’. Chief Minister Shri Baghel congratulated Shri Chakraborty, the compiler and editor of the book ‘Ghagh and Bhaduri’ for its publication and said that this book will prove to be extremely popular among the readers.
Significantly, the proverb of Bhaduri is often agricultural and rain-related. His saying extends from Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and United Provinces to all the Rajputana and Punjab including Chhattisgarh. Some of his proverbs represent – ‘Agsar farming agar mar-keh ghagh te kabhun na defeat’. Ghagh says that the first person who sows the field and the first who kills, they never lose. Similarly, in the morning ‘Khatiya te Uthi ki pi piyi hai water’. Baid na aiyein baat ghagh kai jani in Kabhoon house. If you drink water immediately after getting up from the bed in the morning, then you should never become ill, this thing has been tried. ‘Reed tissa-mohun bissa’ means reed yields thirty times and wheat twenty times. Higher Education Minister Mr. Umesh Patel, Industries Minister Mr. Kavasi Lakhma, Deputy Chairman of Sarguja Region Tribal Development Authority Mr. Brihaspati Singh and MLA Raigad Mr. Prakash Nayak were present on the occasion.